
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


By: Anne Lorraine Del Rosario 9A 10


I've never really been the person who has had the smoothest road in life.Some days, I even
felt like just giving up and wishing that life would just stop being this miserable, unescapable
whole which had no exit but I realized that it just takes some time to figure it out.This is my
unexpected, unbelievably destined love story that God has led me to.

When I was around ten years old, I was a new student at De La Salle Santiago Zobel
School.As I stepped out of the car, my mom kissed me and wished me luck, and she told me to
have fun, being a single parent, she was always there for me and she took care of me in those
years.At the first day of school, I was very nervous and being the shy person that I am, I knew I
wouldn't have that much new friends just at the first day.I was the only new student in my class
and it was also another big factor I had to get used to and as a new student in the school, you'd
always need a guardian angel to help you and guide you into getting used to the school.When the
teacher asked who wanted to volunteer and be mine, I first thought that nobody at all would raise
their hands.I was so shocked when a boy who looked really kind and concerned raised his

His name was Raphael Bautista and he had chubby skin,dimples and brown hair.He was
one of the main reasons why I earned friends that year, and throughout grade school , and high
school, he would always be the person I would go to the playground with, be my partner in
projects and most of all be my best friend.Our friendship became even deeper when I we were in
senior year, and this was the year where I felt like I lost my whole world.I remember everything so
clearly.From when my mom had gotten sick, and those days where I felt so sad and miserable
because of it, and finally, the day when she passed away.After that day, for almost a year, I always
looked,felt and acted so lifeless, as if I didn't care about anything anymore.For that whole year, I
would always go to Raphael and he would always cheer me up, and tell me that everything was
going to be okay.Years later, I finally moved on, and he was still always by my side, to those major
and minor problems I had and those times when I wasn't exactly being the kindest friend to him,
and neither was he.On the last year of college, it felt like something had changed in him.Like he
was trying to reveal something and I just couldn't see what it was.It was like he wanted something
more than our friendship, and I wasn't sure if I did too.When it was my mom's 10th death
anniversary, I cried and thanked him for all the things he did for me and after that, I was shocked
because he confessed to me about everything.About how he always stood up for me, and helped
me through almost everything, and through almost all the rough patches of my life and finally, he
asked me if I wanted our friendship to be something more , and we gave it a try.We had our first
date in Enchanted Kingdom, and it was really fun, I guess the factor that we already knew each
other so much helped us.He didn't really court me, in my terms,because I already knew him and
loved him as a friend, and now even more than that.After 2 years, he proposed to me during our
trip to Palawan.

We then got married in Chapel On the Hill, in Tagaytay with all our friends and it was a
simple but elegant wedding.That day was so perfect, and I remember how I thanked God and
understood his plans for me , and why those hardships in life have led me into my relationship
with him.His vows to me were to always be by my side, like always, and to be with me no matter
what would happen.Mine were to always love him and do the same to him, and make him be
happy and blessed with my love always.It seems as if it was just yesterday when he guided me
through the corridors, and played all those games with me in school.I would've never imagined
any of these things happening now to ever occur back then.It's truly unexpected and I suddenly
realized why those problems happened to me.It was all for the best.Our marriage was very
honest, and trust and compassion were one of the main components.We were also very loyal to
each other and he always made me laugh and feel very thankful and happy for being in the
relationship, while at the same time, still being my best friend.It was just like my ideal married
life, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.We now have 2 children, and we are now very
happy with our lives and with each other ,and I know that God has greater plans for us, and this
our story itself , is just the start of many more surprises.

The story I wish to tell is one that will inspire those who read it, and show hope to those
who have went/are going through a tough time in their lives , and to show them that you should
never lose hope, because sometimes , the hope you need is already there, and patience and time is
the only thing you need to see that there is hope , and that you just have to look for it even if
sometimes it feels as if it is already gone/has already disappeared, it's still there , waiting for the
right time. It's amazing how friendship can lead to something much more magical and something
simply much more than it, and it's amazing how God always knows what he is doing with our
lives, and what he is crafting in his hands with it.All we just have to do is put our trust in him and
continue living our lives, by moving on and waking up the next day not knowing what's going to
happen, but being ready for it and embracing whatever circumstances occur.The rough road to
life may not always be the desired one, but in the end, the outcome is much more greater, and the
thanks you embark in God and yourself is much greater than that of the smooth road.This
project has not only inspired me into imagining and planning my desired future, but it has also
taught me a lot about life in the process of making it.It has taught me morals which I can apply
even now, and morals that will lead me into my desired future.This was truly such a creative,
interesting project, and I'm glad it was all about envisioning what we wish to plan for ourselves,
and what we wish for God to plan for us.


  1. Great story 10/10.
    It's amazing
    Keep making more!!!!

    1. Lorraine is such an inspiration towards everyones hearts, isnt she? ~~

  2. GSG.H4VICK '14March 17, 2015 at 10:55 PM
    This story is a good example because of this. This story shows how true love can really bring people together. This story also shows how two people can really stay together through true love. This story also shows how true commitment through one another can really make your relationship prosper. This story overall shows how you can have a perfect relationship through the guidance of God.

    -Bourne Victor, 9C

  3. 10/10. It's really nice to like my classmate as a crush and wrote a love fanfic about RSB. It was so spot on. I kinda feel this type of Romeo and Juliet-esque love. It's so pretty sweet.

  4. this story is SO good! thank you for inspiring us with this story. i love it so much. 😊

  5. Love should not be rushed. Love is different. Love comes in different ways. The story teaches that a perfect realtionship needs God to have a good base. The story overall is good.

  6. I'm glad that my friend wrote about me. It gives me a different feeling. Being written about not writing. I'm glad to see the extent on our friendship. It's also nice to know that other people are inspired by these

  7. It is well written. It is nice. It is creative. The reflection was good. The story was good

  8. This is super cute and inspiring! It's very realistic, simple, but moving. I learned that love comes throughout a time period. You don't have to rush it, and it will come when God says so. It's very cute and relatable, and you can see that God is really present in this fictional story. This is very good, I love it!

  9. Love is patient. Love is kind. I liked the story because it was so nice and it shows how LOOKS DONT MATTER. I learned that you shouldn't miss the chance of TELLING THE PERSON YOUR FEELINGS. The story moved me. -kiana dacanay

  10. Eon Buendia 9C CN 8
    I liked this story, for it's very real and serious tone. I've had similar experiences with losing someone dear to me, and having the feeling of depression. For I too, was alone and didn't have a gaurdian angel. So this story was very relatable to me. I know how this affects me so reading this was very comforting knowing I'm not the only one who wasn't depressed their first year here. I give this a thumbs up! Good job Lorraine!

  11. This story is so cute and adorable! I love the way it was written and the characters are very spot on. Very inspiring, and the plot was very well thought. God's presence in the lines are very strong and shown in the right way. It's a simple, realistic and moving piece of art.

  12. This is a very cute portrayal of RSB in your love story. He has tye qualities of a great and kind guy. This is very inspiring to all the students about love. Good job on the very descriptive words you used in order to describe the guy. Good job and very cute!
    - Serrano, Jen ( 9C )

  13. The story was nice. It was written well. The reflection was great.

    Alfonso 9C

  14. Awwwwwww so sweet. Awww so cute. Awww so nice. This is so nice i like how it is written. -Ryu Kono 9-C

  15. Ken gomez 9c great story it was very cute and very well written.

  16. Paul Ona 9-C Great story you made here! Really inspiring and very heartfelt. Appreciates the way you poured out your heart in writing this. Liked the plot and the flow very much, really sounds realistic and relatable in some instances. Very nice lesson and values to be learnt as well. Overall, a great job you did here, truly a work of art!

  17. Really cute story and was very inspiring! It was very well written; descriptive and you really showed the true essence of this project.

  18. The story is really well written. You can tell that the plot was though-out very well in the beginning. It was executed well without being overly cheesy. Plus points for making it about RSB. Nice work! :)

  19. Andre Domingo 9C. The story is nice and well done. The setting is very good and realistic. The story is very well said. The roots of the story is also good. There were also points from CL that was seen.

  20. I liked the story. It was inspiring and shows what love truly is. It shows that God has a great plan for everyone, even greater than what we expect it to be. Nice story. -Gillian Ellar 9C

  21. So adorable! Just like eon's story you shouldn't base on just the looks but also the person's personality. Don't mind what other people think and as long as you like him for him then that's what all that matters. Regina Atienza 9C

  22. I absolutely loved this story! It was long, but not at all dragging. It was very descriptive and made you feel like you were really part of the story. It also showed me that even though you are going through a rough time, there is still a possibility of you experiencing love.

  23. This story is very interesting. This story is inspiring as it shows how love can bring people together. It is very realistic. It shows even in rough times, you can still love someone. All in all i think this story is interesting. This story is great. Good job. :)

  24. Realistic and fun. Interesting. Very entertaining. It's like its written by a professional haha :)

  25. Really moving and touching. This story stands out as one of my favorites. Love never comes in a day, there are always factors that need to be known and accepted before even going into a relationship, this story gives the reader an idea of these factors and describes them perfectly.

    11/10 Jacob Darvin 9A :D

  26. Nice story! Really sweet and inspirational :)


    1. I believe that Lorraine's story was truly inspirational. She did not hold back. She let go of her shyness and expressed courage and bravery. I loved the way she would list down every single detail known in her story. She really wanted her story to be understood. She wanted everyones to feel the emotions she had felt during her lovey dovey days. Lorraine's story teaches us not to be shy and to fully express our love for others. YOU ARE AWESOME LORRAINE XD

    2. I also admire how Lorraine teaches us to never loose hope and to appreciate the hidden blessings God as for each and everyone of us. I also love how Lorraine never forgot about God throughout her rough times and happy times in her life. She is truly a devoted Catholic.

  28. This story is amazing....(two thumbs up, 5 starts, 10/10, would recommend, best seller). This story is very interesting and really realistic. It great to see my two friends in this... Fanfic? As a whole, this story is awesome. Keep making more haha

  29. This story is very nice and realistic. This story is also very inspiring. It also shows how Importang your friends are in your life and how they can help you in your life.

    Luis Villarama 9-A

  30. Nice and very true. It seems very realistic in every detail(but fix your grammar). I like how you show that love is very patient and can be on its own pace.

  31. This was a really beautiful story! I like that way that throughout everything that happened she continued to put her life in God's hands and have faith in Him. It was a very inspiring story and a moving one too. It teaches me that even though life can get tough, even though we can get hurt, God will pull through. He gives us the best things in life in the midst of suffering. In this case it was Raphael for Lorraine. This a moving story of an ideal marriage!

  32. This story was very nice. I admire how you (in the story) passed through all your obstacles in life and still had hope. It was really sweet, knowing that Raphel stuck by your side through thick&thin. I am also glad that he didn't end up in the friendzone, haha :D Raphael was your saving light that lit up your darkness and I know that feeling too. I have friends and relatives that act as my light too. I learned from this story that even with all of the obstacles in my life, I can still keep on hoping for a better tomorrow because I have people who appreciate me. This was a really nice story. Good job, dude :3

    -Layla Sevilla, 9A

  33. The story was nice,and very creatibe. I liked the story. The story was complete and showed many feelings. It seemed like a real story.

  34. My reaction to "Raphael"
    I loved how this story is realistic and fun to read. He helped her in hard times and became her support. This story in inspiring and I like how she incorporates important life lessons in her story. they truly believe in God and know whatever happens, is his will.

  35. Wow! this story of different personalities comes together and begins to be friends and start to love one another, and at the end to an get married fro a best friend love to a couple love

  36. Wew Lorraine~~~ I really love this storyπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  37. Very well written. This story truly inspires me. This is no doubt one of my favorite stories. 10/10 πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  38. This story was very well written, realistic, nice and meaningful. I would definitely reccomend this love story to other people!!
