
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Personal Stand in view of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines

After the informal debates in class in view of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines;vis-a-vis our lessons on the basics and foundation of Christian Morality, come up with a formal short essay (using google and other related sites) in support to your stand regarding the topic.  A minimum of three strong points for your stand is required for this seat work.  This is worth 15 points for your understanding grade.  Use the comment part for your seat work.    


  1. I am pro same sex marraige because i think gay and lesbian couples have the right to marry wo they want. God gave us freewill and i see nothing wrong about same sex marraige. People say overpopulation is one of the problems in the world and this ca help slve the problem. Also I think if they really love each other love is everlasting and it is strong. Like god's love

  2. I am for same sex marriage. Marriage is a bond of love and I believe if two people of the same sex love each other, why can't they marry each other. The cause of marriage is love and people who love each other dearly should get married have the same rights of people who are married.

  3. Im not for same sex marriage here's why

    Marriage based on the catholic church is for pro-creation. If you are gay how can you pro-create? What is the difference if youre in a relationship or if youre married to the same sex? Same sex marriage wasnt approved by God because of the sodom and gomorrah. If gays will marry then sodomy will occur. If same sex marriage is allowed then why did God make women? Like in the creation story God made adam and eve.

  4. I am not for same sex marriage because it is said in the bible that the citizens of Sodom were involved in sexual activities even with those in the same gender. God then destroyed the city because their actions angered God. Marriage is for procreation and gays or lesbians cannot procreate so they can be together but there is not point in getting married. If same sex marriage was allowed, there is a big possibility of many other gays marrying men or lesbians marrying other women. This actually can affect the birth rate of the population because a big part of the population can be affected by gays and lesbians marrying other people.

  5. I am for same sex marriage because I believe that no one should be stopped from loving the person they love. I think that everyone should have equal rights and we shouldn't allow others to affect our relationship with the person we love. I believe that it is againts the human rights to forbid someone from loving another person with the same gender because it is a personal choice.

  6. Same-sex marriage

    I am for same-sex marriage because i think that everyone has the right to love anyone they want. If you don't support it then you shouldn't mind it. Everyone has their own opinions and you should just keep all our opinions to ourselves. Who cares if gay people can get married? Everyone has their own beliefs so we just gotta respect that. Ya feel? We just gotta keep on keepin' on.

  7. I am pro same sex marriage because I believe that people should be free to choose whoever they spend their life with forever. We can't just deprive gays/ lesbians from their happiness. If they people get married with the same sex, what's the difference? They are like normal people. And since they can't have kids, they can just adopt. This will give the orphans a chance to be part of a family.

    Same sex marriage isn't going to be a problem in the society unless we argue about. So why not give it a chance?

  8. I am for same sex marriage here is why,
    God created marriage for love, procreation is not something everyone can do, does that mean that they can get married out of love? Some of the students in zobel have parents that are not married yet does that mean their parents cant be together? That is my personal stand

  9. I am anti-gay marriage, not anti-gay

    Why am I anti-gay marriage?

    1. Marriage is a privilege not a requirement, just because you are in a relationship, does not mean that you have to take it further and get married. If you think about what is the difference with a married gay couple and gay couple that is not married? Live together? Name? You can do that even without getting married. Marriage is also a tradition if you think about it, if you allow gay-marriage, you are changing thousands years of what was the way.

    2. Population of the world, yes you may say "they can adopt from families that can't take care of their kid" or "we are not telling you to be gay" but think about the future. Think about the next generation, since being gay and straight has become the "normal" the kids of the next generation will be more open to "if I can't find a girlfriend, i'll look for a boyfriend" or vice-versa. Hence population will decrease in the future. It will not be noticed now, but in the future it will.

    3. Think about it, you are changing the meaning of marriage. To be a man and a woman to marry for the reasons of pro-creating and committing. There right there, gay marriage has failed two of it, being a man and a woman, and pro-creating. Yes they may be the most faithful couple, but you don't have to get married to be committed to each other. And maybe you'll say they'll adopt instead of pro-creating, but you don't have to get married to adopt. Marriage is not needed for a lot of the argument of pro-gay marriage, so why such an issue?

  10. In my opinion, I do not think that same sex marriage is right. Marriage defined by the Catholic Church is said to exist to allow to people to PROCREATE. Having Same Sex Marriage is basically invalidating one of the main objectives of Christian Matrimony. You can't create children with two men or two women and it is biologically proven. Do not get me wrong, I am totally okay with two people of the same gender loving each other as love is subjective. You can't tell people who to hate or who to love because we are told to love our neighbors. It is just not right that the Catholic Church should validate a marriage that can't even produce what it's true purpose is. Also, Lust is said to be the excessive desire to have sexual intercourse. For the Catholic Church to approve the marriage of the same sex if it encourages sin to be present. Gay people should only be allowed to be unified legally but shouldn't be blessed by the church.

  11. I am anti-same sex marriage because of the teaching of the church.
    I love gay people but not having sex between two people is impossible.
    So it is better to not allow it to avoid sodomy. if we keep continuing this our society is going to crash and burn because the wrong is becoming the norm. For example, porn is available for everyone who has internet, music is about drugs and sex, now same sex. God is not proud of what we become.

    I know that gay marriage is for the perks but the thing is people dont understand that that its for that the perks not for love but people who dont really know about the subject think that its okay to be gay and its acts.

    My conclusion is that it should not be allowed at least here in the philippines because the gay marriage subject may affect the way people think here in the philippines and they might want the same thing.

  12. I am anti same sex marriage because this will just destroy God's ultimate plan for us. People are thinking that with this, we will be united. but we can be united even without this. It's just that the people continue discriminating others and etc. As creations of God, we should do our best to take care of his creations not to make such rules to "unite" people. They should fix the mindset or attitude of some people. I am not against gay people but i am against same sex marriage.

  13. Armando Miguel I.Reyes JH

    Same-Sex Marriage (Pro)

    1.There should be equality between all genders
    -God made us to be equal to each other and have no differences thats why same sex marriage should be allowed since everyone should be equal.

    2.LGBT should also have marriage rights
    -Everyone in the world should be allowed to marry someone they love even if its man to man or woman to woman since marriage is a sacrament of love.

    3.Everyone should be allowed to love
    -No one is prohibited to love thats why we should just allow LGBT to love one another and not care whether it looks or seems wrong since love is greater than anything in the world.

  14. I am against same sex marriage because it is not the christian way. Many parts of the bible states that same genders who have sexual relations is a sin. God wants us to make children but two males or two females would not be able to do that. It is not evil to love anyone but marrying someone withh the same gender is bad because God made us to have relationships with the opposite gender.

  15. Annelle Dy JD

    I am Pro Same Sex marriage because I truly believe that we live in a new world. We live in a world where we must accept those who are different.

    Marriage is about LOVE. We are all called to love and same-sex marriage is just giving us the opportunity to show more love.

    The bible states that having sex with someone who has the same gender with you is a sin, yes. BUT does marriage mean sex?! NO. LOVE is LOVE.

    Let them be.

  16. I a, pro same sex marriage because I believe that everyone is equal. I believe that everyone has the right, the free will, to choose how they live their lives. I believe that everyone deserves to love and be loved.

    I would like to point out the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The passage from the bible clearly states that the men of Sodom were having sexual relations with other men. I would also like to point out the other passages that, when referencing homosexuality, refer to the explicit sexual act itself, and not the love between the two individuals. As a person, I believe that everyone, regardless of sexuality, deserves to love whom they choose to love. As a Christian, I believe that the love itself is not taboo, but the sexual relations that count as taboo.

    God gave us the right to choose who we love, and he also gave us the ability to love. Who are we, what good are we, if we are to deny others this love?

  17. Joaquin Carlos A. Aguillo JD

    I am anti same sex marriage. This is because it states in the Bible that God created man in His own image. It also says that man and woman should be fertile and multiply. Also, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God punished them because of their homosexuality. This clearly shows that the Church and God are also against same sex marriage. Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman and they need to procreate and educate their children. If homosexuals marry, how will they procreate? This clearly shows that same sex marriage is not right. If same sex marriage is allowed in the world, then many more people will be influenced by them and they might become homosexuals also. This will offend God. As a Christian, I believe that the Bible says enough that same sex marriage and homosexuality wrong.

  18. Note that my opinions are supported by

    United States of America just declared that same-sex marriage is now approved. And I am honestly, disputing the proclamation. To have said that "same-sex MARRIAGE" just explains everything-marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman that leads then to procreation. Second of all, having this kind of conceptual decision can deprive the new norm of children in wrong understanding. Either way, the child's experience of having a mother or a father will be taken from him and would affect his psychological and spiritual thinking. Third, this issue just does not affect the homosexual people, but the whole society. Same-sex marriage is not just a declaration of simple proposed things, but this is something that will change every single thing in the society. For that, it will promote that being homosexual will be normal in our lifestyle and would soon be influenced and disseminated to our own selves.

    "Same-sex “marriage” opposes nature. Two individuals of the same sex, regardless of their race, wealth, stature, erudition or fame, will never be able to marry because of an insurmountable biological impossibility."

    What do we all think of marriage? Is it meant for love alone? In order to get married, love will always be the base of its trunk. And its stems, leaves, and fruits will serve as their children. This only means that it doesn't benefit the purpose of marriage. This is hard to say but things like these could offend our God. "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.’” (Gen. 1:28-29). We could love anyone, but marriage should not be the solution to prove equality.

    Sofia Arante JD

  19. I am anti same sex marriage, however I do not have anything against the LGBT community. I believe marriage is sacred and marriage is under the holy church. Therefore, why make it a law? The church and the state should be divided and not be merged.

    There is nothing wrong with loving the same sex but if we talk about legalizing it I do not think that is right.

  20. Ma. Briana Alexandria D. Aguas Junior D

    I am anti-same sex marriage, BUT I am not against anyone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. I respect them, and it respect their beliefs but I don't think that it is right for them to get married. Sure, they can be together yes. But only until there. I don't think that it is right for them to get married because marriage is a sacred sacrament instituted by God. Marriage should be between a man and a woman who are willing to procreate. This cannot be done by same sex couples. Although yes, I am very much aware that they have rights, but I don't think that they should bring it to the Church.

  21. What is marriage? Is it not the bond between two individuals who truly love each other? If yes, then why is it treated as a privilege, when it is supposed to be a right that everyone should have. Marriage is said to be for procreation, but is that really all that a marriage is supposed to result to? I am pro same sex marriage, for everybody is made to be equal in rights, nobody should be made to be "superior" over the others. Homosexual marriage is apparently bad because they can't procreate of produce children, but isn't adoption an option? There are millions of children who have no parents, and our country is even overpopulated. As Barrack Obama has stated, what makes someone a father isn't their ability to make one, it is their courage to raise one. Everyone brings up the Bible and says that homosexuality as a whole, is a sin. But aren't we all sinners? Being gay doesn't make you any more of a sinner as compared to someone who's straight. If almost everybody wants to legalize divorce because they don't love their partner anymore, then why can't we legalize same sex marriage for the couples who are meant to be together?

    Love should not be a privilege, for we are all made to love, and we should all have the right to marry the one we truly love, regardless of gender. And if God stands for one thing, then it is love.

  22. Rianna Aguilar JD
    I am pro for marriage equality or same sex marriage. In my opinion I think that when two people who love each other very much want to be bound to each other and spend their lives together, they should be able too. It is known, that our God is not a cruel God, he is merciful. He makes everything happen for a reason, he has a plan. We don't choose who we love, love chooses for us.

    Our country, struggles with the problem of overpopulation and poverty. They say that we need to procreate? I agree we do, but it is not as if every single one would turn homosexual, there would still be heterosexual couples. Our country has an estimate of 1.8 million orphans and I think it's for the better that these numbers drop. Considering we are a country with scarce resources and to many consumers. Allowing sex marriage could alleviate our sufferings and problems we struggle with (overpopulation and poverty) and spread more love.

    That is my stand and why I fight for marriage equality. Love always finds a way and love will persevere, one way or another. But whether or not same sex marriage is allowed it is God's plan. Love FTW.

  23. Gabriel Pineda J-D 31

    I am for same sex marriage. My reason behind my answer is that I know that God sent us all human beings to love one another, so I believe that anyone can love whoever they want to love. And the issue with procreation, if couples can't procreate then they should just adopt children that our in need of help, due to the couples that procreate too much and they can't even support their own family because of the number of children that they have.

  24. I am someone who believes in same sex marriage because I believe that God created all of us to be equal and with free will and we all have the right to love whoever we wish to love. God wants us to spread love and not to stop it from spreading. God created us equal and we are free to love who we want be it man to man woman to woman and the bible should not be used as a tool to stop people from loving and being happy but it should instead be a tool to spread love

  25. Zoie Garcia JF 16

    In my opinion, I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized. There are many reasons why this should happen, and they clearly weigh out all the reasons why this legalization is wrong. First of all, God told us to love one another no matter what, so why do we have to stop people from loving just because of who they love? Second of all, the bible should not be used as a weapon against others, or to prove a point. In God's eyes, we are all equal, so why aren't we equal in each others?

    The issue right now is not mainly the legalization of same-sex marriage, but of marriage equality. Since we are all rooting towards a world of equality, why are we still stopping ourselves? God does not make mistakes. The members of the LGBT community are not mistakes. We were all brought into this world for a reason, so why go against it?

    If you say that the legalization of this is already causing riots among the people here in the Philippines, where are they? All the "protests" being talked about are peaceful walks, just composed of people believing in what they stand for. Does the LGBT community have no right to stand up for themselves?

    We are all given the right to love. Why should there be a problem, if God himself gave us ALL this right?

  26. Equality is one of the most precious things we can get as humans, and yet some people believe that some other people are greater than others. Every single gender is created equally, si we must start acting so. Legalizing same-sex marriage is the first step to achieving equality among everyone.

  27. EJ Bautista JD

    I am anti-same sex marriage for it has said in the Bible. Romans 1:26-28. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. (‭NIV)

    The Bible is our basis for everything, if you are pro same sex marriage then think about this first, God thought of Adam and said that he cannot be alone, so God gave him a companion which was Eve. If you think that it is okay to be with another man for all your life why didn't God just Gave Adam for another man?

    Let's us not think about the Bible and use it to fight againts the anti and the pro. Let us think of what will it benefit the Philippines and what would it do to our society and culture? If this bill or problem will be passed it will affect our outlook on people and we will be judging them, thus giving them low esteem on theirselves

  28. Dustin Ampong JH
    Same sex marriage in the Catholic church in the philippines cannot be. It is because in leveitcus 18:22 "Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. Also what happened to Sodum and Gamora will and might happen to us. According to the bible it is a detestable sin. It is a detestable sin. Also because marriage is a sacrament and is a covenant between Man and Women. 1 of the purpose for marriage is to Procreate and adopting is not the same. If they have the same sex then they cannot procreate. Another reason is because it goes against the church belief's and you cannot change their beliefs that easily. Same sex-marriage cannot be allowed in the Catholic church

  29. I am pro same sex marriage because as a Christian, in my religion, we shouldnt condemn gay people. We should all be just and have equality. Gay marriage should be legalized because it will bring out country one step closer to full development. - JOSH "loser" PATRICIO JF

  30. Juan Miguel E. Caguiat JD

    Perhaps I may be neutral but leaning towards the anti-side

    The reason might be that a man on man or a woman on woman marriage and the LGBT community fighting for it is too much, and don't get why when they can just be together. Marriage between a man and a woman is considered good by God, if God considers homosexuality bad, then what good is marriage between two homosexuals?

    I don't just disregard the bible, and so quickly for an issue that is not affecting me, but to go all out just to marry someone of the same sex? Furthermore, if you wanted to marry him/her so badly why not go to America instead of affecting the laws of another country?

    Although, I would like to say I'm not totally Anti same-sex marriage legalization in the Philippines. For me it is not something that should be the subject of my concern, and I may consider myself Neutral in this exchange of words, since it does not limit liberty , I may not know everything to do with this topic and care about it I do not.

  31. Karen Bersamina JD

    I am for same-sex marriage. Because first, marriage is about love and commitment. You marry someone because you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. If we just accept Gay marriage, piece and love will reign. Yes, same-sex marriage is a sin according to the Bible but it also states that you shall not lie, steal, kill, nor disrespect thy mother nor father. Well, everyone lies and disrespected their parents. According to the bible, "God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor?
    " -James 4:12 God made everyone equal and not letting gay couples get married is a form of discrimination. Anyone has the right to marry whoever they want. If he wants to marry him because he makes him happy, then go for it. You have no right to judge because only God can do so.

  32. Diego Colina JF
    I am against same sex marrige, because it's not meant to be. God made marriage to exemplify HIS love and procreate, Genesis 1:28 says " Be fruitful and multiply ". The Cathecism of the Catholic Church says " The vocation to marriage is written in the very nature of man and woman as they came from the hand of the Creator. " being gay is not a sin, but gay marriage is something not meant to be. God does not make mistakes, HE does not put men in women's bodies and vice-versa. And homosexuality is defined as a sexual orientation in which means they are more sexually more attracted to the same sex, which therefore means gays are not gays out of love, they wish to marry out of LUST, to live out their fantasies. Marriage also exists to make families and raise children in the way of the Lord, children cannot be raised by the same sex, they need a mother and a father, parents teach children all their life lessons even several children of gay parents testified against gay marriage as it affect the growth of the child and the formation of a person. Jesus said " love your neighbors as yourself", neighbors meaning everyone, Jesus said love everyone, love EVERYONE. Not legalizing gay marriage is not restricting men from loving each other since the Bible says you must love everyone period. The law of man doesn't define marriage, God's law and the natural order of things that define's marriage . The family is sacred, it makes us who we are and this change will affect the morals of society. Genesis 2:24 says "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. "

  33. Xa Boccone...JH
    I am against having Gay Marriage allowed in the Catholic Church, but I am wholly PRO to same sex marriage.
    •Traditions can never be changed when it comes to the Catholic faith.
    •The Bible is our source of guidance and rules which states from the book of Genesis 1:27 that God created mankind after his own image; he created both male and female. From the very beginning, God enforced marriage to be the bond between a man and woman therefore this cannot be simply cast aside for Catholics.

    When you look at the bright side, these marriages aren't causing anything bad such as death. Yes, many are saying that they are responsible for the "extinction" of man-kind but it doesn't mean that the whole population of this world is all gay or lesbian, etc. It is said in the Bible that we need to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Same sex marriage is done because of the true love between two people of the same gender. For the past years, many people who were part of the LGBT community have been either killed or discriminated simply because they were "abnormal", "different" or "not of true nature". These people have the right to live and love who they want to as much as any straight person can.

    When Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden fruit, did God stop them? He may have punished them big time, but in the end didn't the Almighty give them the freedom of choice? Why did God create that tree in the first place? God wanted us to decide for ourselves and at the same time be fully responsible of the results. Many people of the LGBT community are fully aware of the consequences of choosing what kind of life and marriage they want. In the end, God is there to JUDGE us for what EVIL or GOOD we have done in this world. I believe that, "to love another person is to see the face of God." -Les Misérables

  34. Most individuals would state the passages in the Bible, Science and Technology, Procreation, and many more as their defense to protest against Marriage Equality; but what if I tell you all that you are all wrong? What if I tell you that Marriage Equality is not that bad of a thing, that it may actually influence everyone else the true essence of equality? To further conclude my initial statement, I certainly believe in the true essence and purpose of Marriage Equality, which is to teach every living human being that acceptance is the key to a united nation.

    First of all, the Bible. Many of you have stated passages from the Old Testament (an example is Leviticus 20:13) but here is something that you must all keep in mind. The laws in the Old Testament were set forth by God for the Hebrews to follow in order to be morally right or justifiable, to make amends for the sin of Adam and Eve and in order to be able to get to Heaven; that is why sacrifices were required to be made because it was part of the appeasement for Original Sin. According to Christian Theology, when Jesus came down from Heaven, it was for the purpose of sacrificing himself on the cross in order for our sins to be forgiven. His sacrifice was supposed was supposed to be the major act that would free us from the former rules and allow us to enter Heaven by acting in His image. That is why He said "It is finished" when He dies on the cross. That is why they don't have to grow out their forelocks, perform animal sacrifice, or even follow any of the rules stated in Leviticus. When you quote Leviticus as the laws of God, saying that we must follow them because that is what God and Jesus wants us to do, then what you are trying to say, as a Christian, is that Christ's sacrifice on the cross is INVALID. You are saying that He died in vain because you believe that we are STILL obligated to the old laws. That is what you, a self-proclaimed good Christian, are saying to your God and His Son, that their plan for your salvation was not good enough for you; so maybe actually read the thing before you start quoting it because the implications of your actions go a lot feeper than you think. If you are going to defend your statement by saying from the New Testament, then your statement may also be invalid. Why, you might ask? The Bible states A LOT of things, such as if women do not cover their heads while hearing Mass, then they should have all their hair cut off (1 Corinthians 11:6). Ae don't exactly follow these rules today, do we? We give the Bible five stars for its literary value, but we’re not exactly sure if anything that’s open to different interpretations should be followed word for word.

    Now, let us talk about the subject of Science and Procreation. You say that the purpose of marriage is to PROCREATE; then why are there still men who are able to marry women who are burden? If the whole purpose is to procreate, then why can't we marry a lot more individuals; anyways, according to most of your statements, the purpose is to procreate only, am I right? No. In addition, using Science as a weapon is not applicable because Scientists have actually made ways in order to procreate other than sexual intercourse. Examples would be the usage of surrogates, artificial insemenation, and the like. These various forms of technology proves that many same-sex couples now have the ability to procreate without the means of sex thanks to the power of Science and Technology.


  35. --

    I certainly believe that the purpose of marriage equality is to "ask for equal rights in the eye of the law," according to Justice Anthony Kennedy. These same-sex couples deserve the right to spend their entire lives together as much as how straight couples do. The only difference is the gender; but if we set that matter aside, then other than that, it's all the same because it will always boil down to how much two faithful individuals love one another. Yes, at the beginning of everything, there was only man and woman; but if we're talking about LOVE, then the subject of gender does not matter because I believe that true love is universal.

    "This is my belief. Whatever happened to free speech?" But whatever happened to free speech going BOTH ways? By now, everybody should be aware that anything they publish online or talk about publicly subjects itself to discussion and/or criticism. Nobody’s taking away your fundamental right to freely express yourself — but if you say something prejudiced, then others have every right to call you out for it.

    "As said in Sodom and Gomorrah, gay sex is very similar to bestiality, which is somehow the same as having sex with animals, which is wrong." OBJECTION: the last time we checked, those vile things you speak of were not forms of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. Do not incorporate Marriage Equality to other irrelevant topics such as incest, pedophilia, and bestiality. Please stop lumping us with Lannisters, kiddie pornographers, and zoophiles when the World Health Organization does not even consider homosexuality a disease anymore. Homosexuals are NOT animals. We are humans who have a unique personalites that may be out of the ordinary, which is not a sinful thing at all.


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  37. Koki Asaba JD

    I am anti same-sex marriage because there are many passages in the bible stating that homosexuality is not allowed. An example of this is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. If people are to marry the same gender, how will be able to pro-create? That is one of the purposes of marriage and adopting is a different matter.

  38. --

    "Gay people should only be allowed to be unified legally but shouldn't be blessed by the church." Let’s get one thing straight (no pun intended): Marriage Equality is a civil right, not just a sacrament. Marriage gives couples important protections, including the right to be at a partner’s bedside at a hospital, the right to make emergency decisions, the right to inheritance, pensions, and other benefits. No union if more profound than marriage because if two people form a marital union, then they become something greater than once they were. Marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death, which is why everytime a couple says their vows, they state at the end "...'Til death do us part." This is what gay couples are asking for; it isn’t all about an expensive church wedding, you know.

    It honestly baffles me how some of you say that if Marriage Equality will be legalized, everyone will be homosexuals. If same-sex couples decide to have children, that DOES NOT mean that their children will automatically be gay. Marriage equality is something that everyone should be aware of, including the youth. At such a young age, we must teach these children how to accept others and their beliefs — and one of them is to explain how two people of the same sex must have the right to marry each other not for lust nor for show, but simply for love. If these children will have a clear understanding on the essence of Marriage Equality, then the next generation will finally learn how to ACCEPT each and every living human being in our society.

    Marriage Equality is something that should be taken normally because the LGBT community is just simply asking for an equal right to love. If you say that we're only supposed to To conclude my stand on Marriage Equality, there is one thing that I would simply like to keep everybody aware: every single human being, whether straight, gay, bisexual, or transgender, has their individual right to love.

  39. Tala Gil - JH

    The quoted paragraph is from the website:

    "In the 50's, interracial marriage was illegal. But now, modern society understands this to be an unjust law that denied equal rights to couples who loved each other. The issue of gay marriage is no different. Denying marriage to two individuals who love each other is to deny them a fundamental freedom."

    My opinion - no one should be denied the right to marry who they want to marry and love who they want to love. We were all given rights and that should not be taken away from anyone, no matter what reason. Years ago, people from different races could not marry each other and it was changed, and this is barely any different - we are all called to love and that is why I believe it should be legalized.

    My next point is about moral rights - overpopulation is a big problem in the Philippines and there are so many same-sex couples who are willing to adopt children who have no family and care for them to raise them. We must not judge others based on their sexual preference, instead, we should accept people for who they are because no one deserves to be judged because of their personality.

    The only problem with this is the controversy between the state/law and the Catholic Church. A lot of people think of the problems that involve sodomy and the teachings of the Bible and this is why this issue has grown over the past years. But I believe that we all should learn to accept these people in the LGBT+ community because God made each and every one of us unique and He loves and cares for us individually despite all of our sins. The LGBT+ community is only asking for equality, so why can't we let them marry who they want to marry? Love is love despite the preference and nobody should be denied the right to marry their loved ones.

  40. Lance Lozon J-D

    (Pro Same-Sex Marriage)

    I am mostly pro for same-sex marriage because happiness was meant to be available to those who truly mean it. We should see everyone as equal. This does not make someone more important to society than another just because of their gender preference, since it is merely a choice there is no endangerment to procreation. Same-sex couples can even turn to adopting, to spread the love to the children that did not have families. Not everyone will become a part of the LGBT community just because same-sex marriage will be legalized, only those who choose to meaning people are being given a chance to decide what their gender preference is.

    Love applies to anyone, people are given the choice to choose whoever they love regardless of anything. People should be allowed to be able to marry those they choose to, as long as the love is true and meant. Love should not be confused with lust, as this can cause people to do sinful acts.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nicole Tanjutco, JF
      I'm pro same-sex marriage because i believe that love is love no matter the costs, that one should be given the right to marry whomever they choose regardless of gender. We are given freedom, God gave us the freedom to be who we want to be, so why should social and gender norms limit us? God taught us what love is, and when we abolish someone's right to love, doesn't that disprove what he taught us? God accepts each and every one of us then why can't we accept each other.

      Love brings happiness, when we take away someone's right to happiness it leaves them miserable, how would you feel if you were told you weren't able to marry the person you were in love with for a long period of time just because they're the same gender as you, but you see these couples who've only been together overnight to marry each just because they were intoxicated and deemed it as "fun". It's not fair that they should live in suffering for something that is only natural.

      We don't fall in love with someone because of their genitals, we fall in love with their personalities, so why is it such a big issue to marry someone of the same sex. Genitals are only vital in procreation and in this day and age we don't have a lack of children, what we have a lack of is people who can provide stability for these children, homosexual couples can provide loving and accepting homes for these kids. Marriage is a right not a privilege no matter what people say, you choose who you love, and regardless of gender; love is love.

  42. Anton Castillo JH CN-9

    Same sex marriage should not be legalized in the Philippines because of three important points. First point is that marriage is for procreation, to make new life into God's kingdom. A new child of Jesus into the world. If gay marriage is legalized, then there will be no children which will lead to the extinction of our race. Second point is what Pope Francis has said "As you know, these realities are increasingly under attack from powerful forces which threaten to disfigure God's plan for creation and betray the very values which have inspired and shaped all that is best in your culture." He is saying that when people legalize gay marriage they are going against God's plan for this earth and for us. He made man and woman to populate and take care of His wonderful creations. And finally the people who are legalizing gay marriage are allowing the incident in the bible "Sodom and Gamorah" to happen once again in the present world. We should follow Jesus above all of our beliefs, friends, and family. He knows what is best for us.

  43. Leandro Miguel F. Ofilada JH

    Same-Sex Marriage (Pro)

    1. It's a right everyone deserves.
    - Being married is a right not a privilege. Everyone must have the opportunity to be married without being judged.

    2. Everyone is equal no matter what gender
    - We were made to be equal. God made all of us so that we will have the same privileges as everyone else. No one must be better than another person.

    Everyone has the right to love and be loved
    - There shouldn't be a law against love. Everyone must be able to love. Wether they love a man or woman, we must not judge but allow them to love each other.

  44. Maderazo JF

    I am for sex marriage because God gave us humans the freedom to do whatever we want in this world which also means that we have the freedom to love whoever we want. And if God doesn't really want same sex marriage to ever happen, then I know that He would have probably intervene in some way to prevent this but he didn't meaning He is allowing us to love whoever we want.

  45. I am pro same sex marriage

    First of all the old testament states that eating shell fish, wearing clothes woven with different fabrics and eating pork is a sin. I am not showing that I am doubting the Bible but I believe the way we live now is different from before a lot of things that were forbidden before (like what I just mentioned) proves that we are living a totally new life now and this change is one of those that we should learn to accept and love as well.

    Second of all the Bible states one man and many women so if marriage is truly about procreation then why don't we follow this. Because its not mainly about procreation its about the love and bond of two people (no matter what their gender is) that truly matters in marriage.

    Last of all I believe this is also about equality. If we were able to go over our differences with our own skin colors then why can't we do this with our own gender as well. Martin Luther King once said "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." So I believe equality is a need especially when love is present and love is winning.

  46. Anya Villanueva J-I

    Last June 26, 2015, the United States' Supreme Court stroke down all marriage bans, legalizing same-sex marriage in all fifty states of the USA. This is amazing news for American citizens, as marriage equality has finally been attained. Personally, I am against same-sex marriage in the Catholic Church. But, I do support same-sex STATE marriages or same-sex civil union.

    In the Catholic Church, marriage or matrimony is a sacrament wherein a man and a woman make a covenant with each other and God for the purpose of procreation, mutual support and love. These are the practices of this religion, and it should not be tampered with. Every human has the right to marry whomever they choose but also, every human has the right to practice whichever religion they choose.

    A balance is needed between church and state affairs. I know and believe that we all deserve equal rights, so we shouldn't be forcing other religions to change their practices nor should we be forcing humans to only marry the opposite sex. The choices we make define who we are and SUPPRESSING others' choices does NOT allow them to be themselves. Let us all learn to respect one another's choices, beliefs and RIGHTS.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ashleigh Avecilla, JF

      I believe that allowing same-sex CIVIL marriage/union will not hurt anyone. In fact, this shouldn’t even be a topic of debate anymore. The government shouldn’t be involved in the union of consenting adults, sexual orientation aside. It’s just a matter of civil rights. Everyone should be equal, no matter what race, gender or sexual orientation. True, marriage today isn’t what it was 50 years ago, but society is changing. Why should you stop two people from legally spending the rest of their lives together just because they are of the same gender?

      Humans have the right to love whoever they want, in whatever way. Homosexuality is not unnatural; by disallowing gay people to marry, we degrade their sense of being. It’s as if we’re telling them that their love and their personality is not worth the same ceremony as heterosexual marriage. In my opinion, however, I think that the Church should be separated from the State. Religion is on a higher level, and those two must not get mixed up, or there will be controversies. Personally, I believe that gay couples should have civil weddings instead of traditional Catholic Church weddings, in respect to the sacrament of holy matrimony and its traditions.

      I am still 100% PRO same-sex marriage; but we can’t alter the traditions and practices that have been followed for centuries in a certain religion. We paraphrase a book written thirty five hundred years ago, and somehow that fact is widely forgotten. What we do know for sure, though, is that God loves ALL his children, and we ALL deserve equal rights and respect. Love has no limits, and we definitely need more of that in this world.

  48. Mai Saito JD

    I am Anti same-sex marriage

    1. We should follow the teachings of the church, Holy Matrimony/Marriage is made for a man and a women. Yes everyone had the right to be married but not with the same sex. Yes everyone deserves to love and to be loved, but marrying the same sex? No. It's just wrong, we are disobeying the words of the Lord. No it's not wrong to love but same-sex marriage is a sin.
    2. Being homosexual is not a sin, but homosexual acts are. I'm not saying that they'll just marry the person because they wanna do "it" but if you truly love the person you will make love to the person. But guess what? Lust. That's a sin. How do you expect to pro-create with the same gender? If you think that same sex-marriage will help lessen poverty and over population you're wrong. You can't use this to solve these problems because no matter what people will pro-create. So this won't solve anything. Homosexual acts is a sin. We must obey the commandments and the word of the Lord.
    3. Approving same-sex marriage for equality? No. If you want equality you shouldn't use the holy matrimony for this. Marriage is a sacred thing for a man and a women, respect the teachings of the church.
    4. Psychological problems for the children. This can happen when you have both dads or both moms, why? Because two dads can make up a role of a mother, two moms can't make up a role of a father. Each role is important. You may think that this won't cause psychological problems to the kids but it will maybe you won't notice but it will.

    I respect the LGBT community and I accept them for who they are but that doesn't mean I would approve of same-sex marriage. If you want equality then fight for something else, something not related to the teachings of the Lord. If you (lgbt community) feel discriminated this won't help. Right now our country is stable, but ever since this issue came up there has been so much arguments, not only in the Philippines but other country as well. In my opinion, we should just go back to the way we were before. We should respect and accept each other especially the teachings of the Lord and the church.

  49. Kyle Lotilla, JH

    I am for same-sex marriage because homophobes are also humans, it would encourages strong family values and healthy relationship, and it is an union of love.

    Although the LGBT community is minority in the society, they are still human beings so they should have access to all the rights any other person would have. Without same-sex marriage, couples wouldn’t be able to enjoy the marriage benefits, such as Joint Property Rights and Government Benefits, which a regular couple would normally get. Thus, same-sex marriage would be necessary if we were to give equal rights to these people.

    One problem with couples today is risky sexual lifestyles which causes some family lives to crumble due to lack of preparation. In same-sex marriage, the couple wouldn’t dwell in this lifestyle which will allow them to focus on preparation on family life. Plus, same-sex couples would still commit to themselves and build family life together. This means with a more-focused preparation and same family values would encourage a healthy family life.

    The reason why they want to marry is not only because they want the rights but mostly because it is the ultimate way of expressing one’s love to another. Marriage is a commitment that the two willingly to live the rest of their lives together despite anything. If the couple are willingly to take up this commitment, then they should be able to be united by marriage through their love alone.

    1. Source:

  50. I fully support same-sex because God gave us this life to love, we are all made for a reason and to love and to get the most of that love is our duty. If we can’t live in love, then why live at all? God gave us our true love as a sign of His love, to deny that love in front of HIs Church, is like defying all the love He has given us.

    “So the church doesn’t oppose gay marriage because it’s wrong; she opposes it because it’s impossible, just as impossible as living on sand.”
    (Source: Catholic, Gay and Feeling Just Fine by Steve Gershom)

    Wow, so its so impossible to live happily in love, with the person you love. Im sorry that marriage is so hard to be given to people who love each other. The mutual love of two people is a symbol of God’s overflowing love for us.

    “To love another person is to see the face of God,” -Les Miserables.

    Love is something you want, and it is something you need, we need love from other people, especially our one and only. And God gave us this person to love, to cherish, to be with. God made everyone in His likeness, thus loving everyone, especially your true love, means loving Him. If we reject gay peope to marry in the Church, we are disrespecting God. We are not respecting His love and His plan for us, to have a family with our true love. The Lord our God doesn’t judge, you have no right to judge someone because it is God’s will. God made these people gay, no one influenced them, other gay people didnt make them gay, THEY WERE MADE GAY. So are you blaming Him? Are you blaming God for what He made these people into? It wasn’t their choice, it was God’s will, so why deprive them from the institution founded by God. God made marriage for His people, why will you take that away from His people?

    How can homosexuality be a sin? Being gay is not a sin, to sin is a choice, and being gay is not a choice. God never made anyone a sinner, the original sin is the only sin given to us when we were born. Being gay is who you are, IT IS NOT A CHOICE, why do we discriminate the union of love over something you cannot control? Imagine if you were not allowed to marry because you were asian, or american because they never got married in the Bible, imagine being deprived of your rights because of who you are.

  51. God calls homosexuality an abomination (Leviticus 20:13)
    “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

    This is a verse from the bible against gay marriage, however who actually lives religiously by the bible and its verses? Are you condemned for planting different crops in the same field? Are rape victims forced to marry their rapists? Are we condemned for eating shellfish? Do we have slaves?
    These things are thought of unreasonable and foolish, so why use the bible as your moral compass for gay marriage? Do we get mad if you do not follow these bible written rules?

    You also cannot compare gay sex to beastiality for obivous reasons, loving someone, a man or a woman and showing that love to them, is different from beastiality. Loving a human being is different from loving animals, we love a lot of things, you cannot compare gay marriage and the love of two human beings to someone loving animals and other things. Love for people is different and deserves to be shown and to be officialy bound through God.

    “Gay marriage will influence other people to be gay, and if everyone becomes gay then our human race will die,” wow, seriously? So if you hang out with girls your body will change and you you will become a girl? If you hung out will people will blue eyes, youll get blue eyes? Its the same with being gay, no one gets influenced to be gay. So if gay marriage is legalized and accepted, everyone will be gay? So why do gay people exist, since straight marriage is legalized, everyone should be straight.

    If marriage is for pro-creation, why not just get married to everyone? Have sex with everyone to procreate and have more children and offsprings, lets go? No because marriage is more than that, it is the union of two people under the love of God. Show the love of God to others through marriage, respect God, honor Him and his plan for us.

  52. Along with this, we have too many children with no homes, too many children iwth no families, dying and not being able to live their full lives because their parents are gone. Gay couples can adopt and give them a new life. “But they’re only adopting to look like a family.” Um.. what? Taking care of a child is hard work and these gay couples will be able to give these unwanted children love. There are so many orphans and children left behind while there are gay couples who want a child but cant reproduct, why not make everyone happy by givig them a good life?

    You don’t need a man and woman to raise great children, there is no mother figure, and father figure because that just enforces the stereotypes of gender roles. A man can teach his child to cook and clean and wash, a mom can teach her child to play video games or fight and stand up for himself, gender only applies to your body anatomy and your reproductive organs and have nothing to do with the kind of person you are, your abilities, your personalities or anything. This is why gay parents can and already do raise perfectly nice and good children.

    As an active member of the Catholic Church, I have experienced God’s love and my Lord, the God i follow and believe in, loves us all. He does not discriminate, He does not make you a sinner, He would never allow this treatment to His sons and daughters. Just because they are different, doesnt mean they do not deserve to see His love. I love my Lord, and He loves me and He loves everyone in this world. He never hates the fact that a person is gay, “hate the sin, not the sinner” doesn’t apply because GAY IS NOT A SIN. It is not a choice you make, so why would God hate how He made you?

    My God made us who we are. My God loves everyone. Everyone deserves to live in love. Don’t take that away from us, and from God.

  53. Aaron Palma JH

    In my opinion a person has the right to have same-sex marriage, but only in the civil court. In terms of the Catholic religion in Genesis 2: 22-24 it is said

    "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
    The man said,

    “This is now bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
    she shall be called ‘woman,’
    for she was taken out of man.”
    That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

    In this bible verse it clearly shows that it is really meant for a man and a woman to be married, marriage of the same sex is not mentioned here. A man and a woman after marriage become one flesh. Can a man and a man or a woman and a woman become one flesh in God's eyes?

    The main goals of marriage is to reproduce and for partnership. From the first goal alone same sex marriage can no longer fulfill the condition. As we all know people of the same sex cannot reproduce, it is simply impossible. Yes, some may say partnership can be considered, but what is the use of marriage if you can't achieve both conditions. The world will end up having couples with partnership, but cannot reproduce. The idea of same sex marriage in the catholic church is not possible.

    Lastly, I believe that the sacrament of marriage is very sacred. For years men and women have been marrying each other and fulfilling God's plan, so after all these years of marriage why only now does this idea of same sex marriage under the catholic church appear? There is not one mention in the bible that a man and a man or a woman and a woman marry each other and in the bible any mention of marriage includes a man and a woman only. Based on the bible, God is not directly saying that same sex marriage is bad, nor did he ever say that people of the same sex can marry. So what does this imply? Though it is not directly said in the bible that same sex marriage is not allowed, we can't say that God observes it either.

  54. As much as I respect the members of the LGBT community, I'm firm with my decision to be against same sex marriage for the following reasons.

    First of all, married LGBT couples who had same sex marriage would engage in sodomy. Sodomy is anti-life especially when it comes between a man and a man. So many lives of future children will be lost when they sodomize each other. Second, the implementation of same sex marriage would influence the non-LGBT community on having children especially for those married couples who don't have children. Since, procreation is impossible for same sex couples, the thought of not having children anymore even when married would linger between these non-LGBT couples, and hence, they will get discouraged from having children. Instead of thinking of these children as blessings, they would just think of children as additional burden. For, now, it may not be a problem because the Church is open for adoption, but in the long run, it could cause the extinction of our race. We wouldn't know when big disasters strike. If there are less of us, and a big disaster does happen, then we would most likely be extinct. Lastly, the act of sodomy is forbidden as the bible stated. In the Old Testament, in the story of Lot, many citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah have committed this act along with bestiality, which means having intercourse with animals. For their wrongdoing, God punished them by letting it rain sulphur on those places.

    Again, I am not against the LGBT community. However, if a situation arises wherein it may affect the morality of our people, then we must take action, no matter who benefits from this.

  55. Ira Lapuz JH
    Same-sex marriage should not be legalized in the Philippines because we are a catholic country. I know some people have a different religion, but they should respect the laws of the country. In the Philippines, our government and the church must be partners and they should support each other. So if the government legalizes same-sex marriage, the church wouldn't be in union with the government anymore. Another reason is based on something written in the bible. On Genesis 9:7 "As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it." We were made to repopulate the earth and if we allow this law in the country, we wouldn't be able to live out our purpose here on earth. My last reason is kinda alike with my second reason. In church, I learned that one of the main purposes of marriage is to procreate and with this same-sex marriage, there wouldn't be any reason to marry since it is a holy sacrament.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  58. Andrea Manaloto JF 22

    I am for the legalization of same sex marriage. This is because I believe that everyone should have equal rights and equal chances to love and to be loved. Not allowing same sex marriage is like not allowing love. Marriage is a celebration of love and to hinder that from happening is already bad on its own. In God's eyes, we are all equal. We are all a bunch of sinners. To Him, no one is above others, no one is better nor is anyone worse. God does not judge us for who we are so why should we judge one another. If the sole purpose of marriage is to procreate then why shouldn't we able to marry more than just one person? That way, we'd really be living out the purpose of marriage— procreation. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, It states that: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." If same sex marriage isn't legal, would we still be living up to this bible verse?

  59. Allysa Manalo JH
    Love is the main foundation of marriage. It can bring us joy, happiness, inspiration and much more. Who are we to stop others to express their love? No one has the right to take away someone’s happiness. God told us to respect one another as we respect him. If so, would we want to take away God’s happiness? Another point is that inspiration brings us to great lengths and we shouldn’t stop people from reaching this just because there gender is not recognize. If we don’t let height, age, distance and color define who we love or marry we should not let gender dictate it. God gave us love and we should share and not be selfish with it.

    Over population is one of the top problems in the Philippines. We were even declared the 12th most populated country in the world for 2014, based on With the help of same-sex marriage we could reduce this number. Instead of children living in the streets or in the orphanage with no families, they could be adopted by LGBT couples. By doing so this could also help reduce child mortality which is a millennium development goal.

    August 18 1920 was the date women got the right to vote. Ever since then women started having more rights compared to before. If women were given equal rights to decide for their future, why can’t the community of LGBT decide for their own? One of the Millennium development goals of 2015 is “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women”. Everyone deserves to do what they want in their life and we should not interfere with it. There is this quote from the book If I stay “Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you”. The choices we decided on made us who we are today because of this we should let the LGBT decide for themselves if it is for the good or the bad. God was the one who gave us free will, so who are we to decide for others? We should at least give the chance to decide for themselves.

  60. Vicky Manalo, Jr - I

    Pro Same-Sex Marriage

    On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court arrived at the decision to legalize same-sex marriage in the United States. As a citizen of the Philippines, I believe that it would be appropriate and highly admirable for our government to join the United States, as well as twenty other countries, in recognizing marriage between the same sex due to several reasons.

    First, a person, who is either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, is born with with the same qualities as any human being. A gender simply divides these qualities, but should not stand as a basis for discrimination. In the book of Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Since both man and woman are given the right to engage in the sacrament of marriage, then it is only just that lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders are also given fair access to the marriage license. Equality, a prevailing issue in our society, must be recognized and given importance; thus, same-sex couples should be able to enjoy the benefits which different-sex couples experience.

    Not only do I stand for equal rights, but I also believe that the Bible should not interfere with this issue. This being said, allowing our faith to affect our opinions will cause us to impose religious beliefs on others that do not share them, and this would simply be unfair. Arguments, stating that same-sex relationships are immoral and against God's will, may somewhat be considered hypocritical due to the fact that intolerance towards lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders, shows the lack of morality as well. Some religious associations refuse to employ or offer services to same-sex couples, and that, in itself, does not display the values which God wants Christians to live by.

    Lastly, and most importantly, love serves as enough grounds for marriage. If humans display love and affection towards one another, then they should be granted the right to practice this through a union in marriage. Although marriage is primarily for procreation, same-sex couples can still be given the choice to adopt their children in order to live out their duty as parents. With love, comes happiness, thus; anyone should not be deprived of it simply due to their sexuality. Therefore, I, being a strong supporter of same-sex marriage, believe that it should be legalized in the Philippines, as it is through this that people will truly able to exercise their freedom to think, feel, and act in intimacy without the need to be ashamed of it.

  61. Rufus Albano, J-D, CN: 5

    I respect the thoughts and opinions of the LGBT community, however I will still stick to my stand that I am anti same sex marriage simply because it is not what marriage is about.

    Marriage is defined as "the union of a man and a woman". One of the goals and fruits of marriage is for the partners to have offspring, or children, through procreation. How will two people of the same sex procreate and have children?

    Romans 1:27 says "and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." If God had intended the human race to be fulfilled through both heterosexual and homosexual marriage, He would have designed our bodies to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual intercourse healthy and natural. Homosexual anal intercourse a high risk for infections, and disease, and this is recognized in the said biblical passage where gay men are said to receive in their bodies the due penalty for their error.

    When Jesus was asked questions about marriage he went straight back to the defining passages in Genesis that say that marriage is between male and female and is meant to be life long.
    According to Matthew 19:4, "“And He answered and said to them, ‘Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,"
    According to Mark 10:6, "“But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’”

    Emotions are not a sufficient basis for marriage. There are some emotions, like drugs, that are powerful and addictive, but destructive. Yes, I do agree and see that there are many homosexual couples who feel deep love and affection for each other, however, in the eyes of God, it is not a marriage. It may just be a beautiful deception.

  62. Via Balcita JF
    I am pro when it comes to those with homo-sexuality, I am happy for the same-sex marriage law in America; but that does not mean I am not against same-sex marriage in the Philippines. Our country has always been very religious, even when there are many of us that commit sins on a daily basis, but our morals are that same-sex marriage should not be done. If we were to allow this, it will make people doubt what the church has been teaching us and their own conscience, teaching us that romantic love between two of the same gender are ok but the union of them are not morally correct. It will cause so many fights against the people. You can see around you that there are many openly homosexual people, a fact that stares us straight in the face. What comes with these people are those who dislike the idea of it. There haven't been any fights broken out because of something as simple as gender yet, but if you allow same-sex marriage then the peace will break. There are going to be many people who would be against this, most may be coming from the older generation of Filipinos. By allowing this, you are essentially creating a civil war between the Filipinos. I say that I'm against same-sex marriage only because I know that right now our country isn't read for a change as drastic as something like that. Maybe in the future people will have a more open mind to something like this.

  63. Christine Victoriano JF

    I am against same-sex marriage but I am not against those people in the LGBT community. God calls each and every one of us to love one another. We have no reason not to love the homosexuals. God created and designed marriage as a union between man and woman. Going against His beautiful design will show that you do not trust in God's plan for us. God loves all of us and knows what is best for us so we should just trust in Him and obey His commands.

  64. I am against same sex marriage as there references stated from the bible.

    -Marriage is not just made to satisfy emotions and sexual pleasure, it is also tied with the community as a whole or a social unit. To simplify, same sex marriage is not considered marriage in the sight of God no matter how deep the feelings of both parties are.

    -Same sex marriage might lead the whole world to damnation just like what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah.

    "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”
    —1 Corinthians 6:9-10

    -God gave man and woman a choice to choose between good and evil. Adam and Eve made the choice to live with the lack of God or simply rejecting him. Because of this choice, this made us into what we are now and how the world is. God only made man and woman to unify.

  65. I am anti gay marriage because one of the reasons why we get married is to create children of God and if two people of the same gender get married then they will fail to create children of God which defeats the purpose of having a marriage. 20 And the LORD said, "Because w the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their x sin is very grave, 21 y "I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know." This quote warns us of what could happen if there would be a lot of homosexuals in this world, God would destroy the Earth just like what he did in Sodom.

    Michael Balmes JH

  66. Kirsten Mayuga JD

    Kirsten Mayuga JD
    The issuance of the same sex marriage in the whole US has been an issue arising upon almost all countries worldwide. People say that it should be implemented because we need to be able to love and to marry the person we want to marry. I am against the implementation of the law, however, I'm not against the LGBT community. Yes, they are called to love and in the presence of love there is God, and I'm not against any of that. They can love freely, but they don't need to marry.

    God is not against homosexuality, but homosexual acts. Pope Francis defended gays from discrimination but also referred to the Catholic Church's universal Catechism, which says that while homosexual orientation is not sinful homosexual acts are. "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?" the pope said.

    God does not hate gays. He loves everybody, but it also hurts Him when we sin against Him, and homosexual acts are a sin. God is happy when we seek Him no matter who we are. But since homosexual acts are a sin, that includes marriage. Marriage is a HOLY SACRAMENT, which means you have to go to confession before holy matrimony, and you cannot marry with this sin in you.

    Again, I'm not against gays because they should be able to love ❤️❤️ It's just that legalizing same sex marriage, especially in the Philippines, will cause an issue because it will cause a great division in our country.

  67. Amba, JH
    Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? (Romans 8:35)

    - If we choose a life to follow Christ, then nothing can separate us from the love He gives.
    - People point out that Biblical passages "condemn" same sex relationships such as: Genesis 2:19-25 (Adam and Eve), Genesis 19:1-13 (Sodom and Gomorrah) and Leviticus 18:22 (Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman...).
    However these are invalid when proving that same sex relationships are sinful. To summarize all the bible passages aforementioned, (1) God created all humans equally, an LGBT person is a person, (2) Everyone was created to be a loving companion to another person, we cannot live on this earth secluded OR being with someone we are not meant to be with, lastly (3) We are punished for violating rights of other humans, not for being homosexual.
    - "But God created the perfect image of Man and Woman", but would that then mean cripple person is not human? Because they are not perfect? A man with a prosthetic limb is not actually a man? Every human is as real and natural as the next human.

    If there's one message I'd like to remind in this post, is that "tolerance is a two-way street". People must respect the human rights of other people, such as the right to marry who you CHOOSE, and to practice the religion you CHOOSE.

    The debate over procreation and "natural" families is useless if there are people being stopped to enter the kingdom of God. If there are people missing out on the purpose that God has given them. He died on the cross to save us, He did not miss the LGBT community.

  68. Gia Aventajado JH
    I am against Same-Sex Marriage IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, however I believe everyone has the right to get married to whoever they want. And that Same-Sex Marriage should be legalized ❤️

    •you say that being able to love whoever you want is a right, the law states your rights and the church and the law are separate. So how can you say that it is your right to get married in the Catholic Church.
    •Everyone has the right to get married, but it's different if you want to get married in the Catholic Church. Because IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH marriage is between a man and woman.
    •The Philippines is a very Catholic country, and it's had for you to change a tradition that we practiced since the start of the Catholic Church or even before that. So it's hard to change something that's been there for so long.

  69. Marie Rodriguez JD

    I am someone who stands for same-sex marriage. In my own stand and opinion, I think and believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized in the country. Firstly, love is for everyone; everyone deserves to love who they want and marry the one they want to be with for the rest of their lives, and to be loved in return. Everyone deserves to marry the one that they love, because it is a factor that unites all - not only in marriages, but the whole society. Love is such a beautiful thing to experience and to have. Love brings happiness, unity and enlightenment. No one will feel heaviness in their hearts because of hatred and on how they cannot marry who they want to be with the most. It is an assurance that if there is marriage equality, celebration of love will be widespread and this will bring us together. Love is love and if we do that, inflictions are overpowered by the light of love. Romans 13:10 - “Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

    Secondly, God created us all equally in His image along with the uniqueness of our individual being. He loves us all unconditionally and that's how we also love others as well because the main source of our love comes from Him; the way we love others comes from the love that He gave us. We are unique individuals but equally made in the eyes of God. LGBT people chose to be in a certain orientation, but that should not stop them from loving or even marrying the person they want to be with. We all have different beliefs, perspectives and philosophies of the world. We make our own choices, and of course; we have to respect one another's choices. The greatest love of all comes from God and He created us to spread it, to experience and to grow with it.

    Lastly, if there is same-sex marriage; there will be no more hardships and struggles of the LGBT people in wanting to marry their loved one; whom they want to be with until the end of time. God created a man and a woman to procreate, yes. However, just because if two people of the same sex would marry; that doesn't mean they would do it. Marriage is for two people to bond and unite in an unbreakable bond with the composite of trust, faith, hope and unconditional love in a great commitment- whether you're straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. As I mentioned, love is for everyone and in 1 Peter 4:8, it says that “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”; because that's like darkness and light, no matter how much darkness there will be; the light will come to overcome and vanish the darkness. God is our light, and our love - HE is love; and we can't deny that for the fact that 'we love because He first loved us' (1 John 4:18-19). Another is that, once that there is marriage equality - Colossians 3:14 applies, “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”; love unites everyone as one. Love does not have any boundaries and it is the key to set all of us free. He loves us so much, even the LGBT people. And as I said, every individual has different beliefs and we should respect each other and of course, our choices. God is the one who has the hands to judge what is to be. Everyone again deserves great love, and in the end; no matter what happens - it is the one that will unite and bond us, especially with God.

  70. Bea Mojares JH

    I am pro same sex marriage.
    Most of those against same sex marriage point out the world becoming extinct because of bandwagon, or the Bible saying that it is wrong because we are Christians or even for the reason that only gay people or those part of the lgbt community support same sex marriage. Well no I a straight person am for same sex married for the main reason of equality. The lgbt community is not asking for everyone to marry the person of the same sex they're just asking for the same rights as us "normal" people. "normal" because of the fact that same sex marriage is put in the eyes of those against it as abnormal the only reason why it isn't "normal" is because it isn't allowed and it's being shamed because of all the close minded people in our society. Same sex marriage will not create a bandwagon for simple reason that as human beings we are given brains to think for ourselves where we decide for ourself the only reason that it will seem like it's a bandwagon is because finally the lgbt couples can finally get married a RIGHT we all have as Christians. For procreation the number one issue in the Philippines is over population that causes poverty thanks to some lgbt couples who adopt these kids born to the less fortunate. There will not be extinction of the human race because NOT EVERYONE WILL GET MARRIED TO THE PERSON OF THE SAME GENDER. Lastly, regarding the bible being against the lgbt communities. WHY WOULD THERE BE LESBIANS, GAYS, BISEXUALS OR TRANSGENDERS IF THEY KNEW THEY WOULD LIVE A LIFE OF HATE? No one in the right mind would choose to be part of them if they weren't MADE BY GOD IN THAT WAY. As for the bible being a Christian who worships and fears the lord what happened to "loving your neighbors as yourself" when all people do is hate on the lgbt. The bible it self contradicts itself so why should we take the context of it word per word? We should not worship the God we have made but we should worship the God who made each and every one of us in his own image and likeness.

  71. I'm Isa Sarrosa of Junior - H and I am pro same-sex marriage.

    First of all, I would like to begin by sharing with you all a verse from the book of Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." We cannot allow others to be treated differently just because of who they are. A man and a woman have the right to marry. Then why can't gays? Why can't lesbians? What makes them so different? We're all human beings and God made everyone for a purpose. Why would God make them who they are if they are just going to be looked at differently or treated differently. Each and everyone must be treated justly and given the chance to be with and marry the one they love.

    Some say that just because some kids will be raised by for example, gays it does not mean that they will automatically become gay. Marriage is committment and partnership. It is also to be able to add more people to the Catholic community. Just because they are of the same sex, it does not mean that they cannot have a family. According to UNICEF, there is an estimated amount of 1.8 million orphans in the Philippines. Couples of the same gender could just adopt a child. If people of the same-sex marry each other, live out Christian values, and raise their adopted child to live out the same values and be good children of God, then I don't see what the problem is.

    Lastly, if they are living true Catholics then they will not be hurting or bothering anyone. It does not state in any of the Ten Commandments that people of the same sex cannot marry each other. If they follow the commandments in their day to day lives, love one another and all the people around them, then what are they doing wrong? As Christians, we know we must live a moral life. Is it moral to not allow someone who loves another to marry each other just because they have the same gender? They aren't going to hurt anyone by doing so. No one will directly get affected. Thus, I believe that humans of the same-sex should be allowed to marry each other.

  72. Julia Reymundo J-F

    I am Pro Same-Sex Marriage. Everyone has the right to love whoever they want, no matter their sexuality. Equality is one of the major issues of our time, because there are those who are not very accepting and can't accept change. I still think that people who are part of the LGBT community should still have the right to get married to their significant other, because if God didn't want this to happen then he should've done something by now, but nothing has happened so that's how we know that God does not make mistakes. We are all equal, no one is above the other as we all stand on the same ground.

    In the case of the Philippines, as it is a very religious country, I think that instead of them getting married in the Sacrament of Marriage, they should instead get married through Civil Union. There are a lot of Filipinos who are a part of the LGBT community. I still think that it should still be legalized in our country because there are people in our country who want to get married but can't, since they're are a couple of the same-sex. Everyone has a right to marry the person they love, so why can't they? God created us to be equal. Why should we judge others when we are all one and the same.

  73. Luis Martinez
    Junior - I

    I am mostly against Same-Sex Marriage because I believe that the foundation of society is based on family. Although I am not against the people who belong in the LGBT community, if we legalize same-sex marriage, then how will they procreate? How will society develop?

    I am also against it since it goes against the teachings of the church. God made man and woman mainly to procreate and take care of his creation. It may be legal but it is wrong in God's eyes. In the church, marriage is between man and a woman. Also, it may lead to bad things such as what happened in the story of Sodom and Gamorrah.

  74. Nikki Gatchalian - JI

    In my opinion, I am against same sex marriage. The Bible stated that marriage is for a man and a woman. According to the Catholic Church, the initial purpose of marriage is procreation. So how can you reproduce with the same sex? In the United States, they have legalized same sex marriage and I believe that everyone has the right to find love and happiness. However God is against the sexual acts and not the love shared between two men or two women. God loves everyone and because we are His children. I am not against the LGBT community, but rather the sexual acts that is a sin.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. CJ Alvarez JD

    I am pro same sex marriage.

    Everyone has the right to love and be loved. The legalization of same sex marriage is a way for the LGBT community to express their love. Who is to say who we should love? We are all called to love. God only wants us to be happy, and marriage is one of the greatest ways of showing God's love. We have no right to deprive others of their happiness. What we should do is spread love, through His love, by acceptance.

    There are many things written in the Old Testament that are not being followed in present times. It's unfortunate that the church "selects" which things to observe and those to ignore. There are some things taken so literally, while others have a much deeper meaning. A few of the forbidden things that are practiced today are: eating of pork and shellfish, getting haircuts and shaving, working on the Sabbath day, and many others. These are regular practices that seem to be overlooked by the church. The bible even states that we are not to drink wine, yet in mass, we have wine which represents the blood of Christ.

    He who has shared bread and wine (which is stated to be wrong in the Old Testament) with His apostles, is no other than our Savior, Jesus Christ. The New Testament is about Jesus' coming and how He lived among us. This portion of the bible is a more "current" set of practices to be followed. Since this part is more "updated" it is only appropriate to follow His practices rather than those in the Old Testament which seem somewhat obsolete. Though the Old Testament may say that homosexuality is a sin, the New Testament makes no statement against homosexuals at all. The New Testament is the time where we live in now, and is what should be followed.

    We are all equal in God's eyes, therefore, we should see each other as equals as well. Whether heterosexual or homosexual, we all have the right to get married. The legalization of gay marriage does not affect straight people. If marriage was created for procreation only, how come there are straight married couples who cannot have children? Marriage is about commitment and partnership.

    There are many gay couples willing to adopt, and this can help solve one of the biggest problems in our country, which is overpopulation. The capability of someone being able to raise a child should not be judged on their sexual preference, rather their willingness to work hard and sacrifice for who they love.

  77. (Part 1)

    The issue of same-sex marriage is debatable from the views of the church and the government. The church says that it is not right, while the government is considering legalizing it to appeal to the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. But from a Christian standpoint, is it a right action to do? As a Catholic, I am against same-sex marriage for the reasons that it does not follow the teachings of the Bible, goes against the meaning of the Sacrament of Matrimony, and does not raise children the way God meant for it to be.

    In Genesis, God told us to "be fertile and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it". He was telling us that our purpose in life is to grow and be the stewards of His creations, to know, love, and serve Him as our Lord. He wanted us to be responsible for what we do with our lives, that we may have healthy and moral relationships between man and woman, that we may procreate, raise children, in the hopes of them becoming responsible men and women. When we talk about same-sex marriage, it goes against the purpose of why some are male, female, and the importance of procreation. God meant for us to have opposite genders that we may reproduce to bring new generations of responsible humans. When he created man and woman, He did so that they may one day be united as one flesh. He created our bodies meant for union between man and woman. He never intended for us to have relations with the same gender. Therefore, the union of man and woman is made holy by Him through the Sacrament of Matrimony.

    That is the reason why we celebrate the sacrament. Through it, he proclaims the union between man and woman as a sacred commitment, and he blesses the couple through the gift of love for each other and their neighbors. It declares the love a man has for a woman as genuine, and a life long devotion, and paves the way for the couple to procreate and raise children. In same-sex marriage, all those significant meanings are gone. The union between two people of the same gender opposes the message that Matrimony brings, in that man and woman become one. As I mentioned, God did not intend for us to have unions between the same gender. As His children, we are called to follow Him, and we must respect His plans for us. He wants us as one church to continue growing. To grow, the right way to reproduce is through a healthy union between a man and a woman, however, with the issue of gay marriage, not only is the ideal Christian family being threatened, as per the Pope's statement, but also reproduction.

    (To be continued)

  78. (Part 2)

    If same-sex marriage becomes legal, reproduction through natural means will most likely decrease, due to an increase in same-sex couples. Since two of the same gender cannot reproduce, couples must commission surrogate mothers or undergo insemination to procreate. In effect, children would no longer be a product of a couple's mutual love, but rather that of "artificial" births, losing the meaning of being a creation of God. Would the child have a sense of belonging knowing that technically, he or she has no true mother or father, since both parents are of the same gender? The issue here is that same-sex marriage can affect our population in terms of the children not being born the way we are ideally raised. This will affect the child's upbringing, and can promote a population where the difference between man and woman becomes blurred.

    In conclusion, I want to say that we should respect the gender that God meant for us. Whether you are a boy or girl, be happy. God gave us life as a certain gender, therefore we must respect who we are. He never meant for us to have relations with the same gender, but with the opposite, since he created us in such a way for that to be possible. In our society, it seems that people who belong to the third gender chose to be who they are, so the best we can do is to be good to them, respect them, but when it comes to marriage, I would say that it's time to take a step back first.


  79. Katrina F. Miranda Junior-F

    I am personally pro-same sex marriage, however I do not believe that the Philippines is ready for it YET.
    I have always believed that there should be no limit in love. And when I grew older, I learned that some people didn't have that freedom to love who they loved without there being some form of limit or discrimination. This irked- excuse me, irks me. Because what is love? Love is listening, love is being there, love is caring for another person. More likely, caring for them much more than yourself. And receiving the gift of love- be it a family bond, a friendship bond, or a romantic bond- is the greatest gift we may ever have.
    In a romantic love, marriage isn't really a requirement. But a marriage is seen as the "Legal Proof of the Existence" of the relationship. That yes it was/is true. That the relationship did, as well as everything that occurred during it(kids, businesses, properties acquired, etc.), happen. However, some people do not recognize certain relationships as valid because they are of the same gender. The right to marry is then taken from them. And that is unfair, that is unjust, and that is inequality. 
    Marriage is about sharing one's life with another person, along with sharing your problems, victories, care, and time. Depriving a same-sex couple of this choice to marry, deprive them of one of the most basic Human rights. The right to marriage and to start a family. 
    As for the Philippines not being ready, I just think too much is happening at the moment,or is about to happen in the close future. That if this controversial idea was added, the amount of attention needed to properly deal with it wouldn't be there. Simple as that. That is my own opinion, and I stand by it.

  80. Sam Campos JI

    Legalize same sex marriage.

    As we all know, marriage is a human right. Members of the LGBTQ community are human too and are entitled to the same rights that straight people have. Why should we block these from people who truly love each other? Everyone has the right to love who they want. Marriage is not only for procreation because if so, couples who don't want to have children or who are infertile should also be prevented to marry. There are many same sex couples who want to have children and are perfectly capable of taking care of them, better than some parents out there could. There is so much more to marriage than procreation. They can do just as well as heterosexual people do in marriage, if not even better, and they deserve to have the same benefits that hetero couples get in marriage.

    If same sex marriage were to be legalized, what harm would it do to society? It's not a disease, it's not like just because you are in the same space as someone who is gay would make you one, too. No, it doesn't work like that. We can't help who we love or who we're attracted to. Sexuality is fluid and you can't blame a person for falling in love with someone of the same sex, or with someone who identifies themselves with a different sexual orientation/gender identity.

    People should stop viewing those who are not heterosexual as "abominations." They are human too and they do not deserve to be treated so unfairly. There was a time when interracial marriage was viewed as wrong, is it still now? Black people and white people are now allowed to marry one another. Why not the same for the LGBTQ community? We are of the modern era and I personally think it is high time for people to start being more open minded and adjust to the modern times. Equality for everyone.

  81. Alexandra Gonzalez JD

    I am for same-sex marriage and here's why:

    1. I believe that God has given each of us freedom and part of that freedom is to choose who we want to spend our lives with, no matter what society thinks. They should be all entitled to what they feel and it is no one's right to judge them for whomever they love. We have to remember that in the end, we are all human beings.
    2. We are all taught to think equally amongst ourselves, yet society thinks that only a man and a woman may marry each other. To allow equality into our world, we shouldn't criticize anyone who differs from anyone.
    3. In our world today, there are so much issues that we don't know how to solve. One of which is overpopulation, and if same-sex marriage were encouraged, they would be able to adopt whomever has no home. If the reason to marry were to procreate, there would be much more people in the world. Same-sex marriage would help the poverty and be able to lessen the problem of overpopulation.


  82. Allyssa Aguillo

    In my opinion, same sex marriage is okay. We were made like this by the image and likeness of God. If we will compare this to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the men there would rape other people of the same sex. I don't think in this generation we are doing the same thing. Couples are together because they love each other, I don't think they will have intentions in doing the wrong things.

    There's no problem in legalizing same sex marriage because we all want everyone to be happy. Marriage shows the strong bond of two people. They can always adopt children and from there, they make a family. Despite all the problems we are facing, in the end we're suppose to be happy.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Jonathan Gonzalez JI

    I am not for same sex marriage

    First off, I would like to say that I respect those who are pro sex marriage and #lovewins because they are just following what their heart desires.

    But I would like to remind those people that even though same sex marriage is not bad, they should also remember that marriage is the bond between a MAN and a WOMAN. I said this because this give the idea that the term Marriage is meant for the union of a man and a woman not man to man or woman to woman. It is ok for a man and a man, or woman to woman to get together, but they should not use the term Marriage because Marriage is a sacrament created by god for procreation and love between man and woman. The Same-Sex Marriage idea/law is wrong in the term that they use is MARRIAGE which is wrong.

    For me, people who are of the same sex that want to be "married" should just be allowed to live together as a "couple" because as I repeatedly said, marriage is for a man and woman.

  85. Aven Quino CN:33 JD
    I am against same sex marriage because marriage is between a man and a woman and the reason why man and a woman should be married so they can procreate.Its fine when two women and two men are together but they shouldn't be blessed by the church.I don't agree with same sex marriage because it will affect our lifestyle like going to church and seeing two men and women are together which is uncomfortable for some of the people who are going to church.People would be mad and will cause protest which will be bad for the country.If same sex marriage is approved in the Philippines most of the people would disagree in this because it will affect the way of life of the Filipinos.

  86. I am anti gay marriage for three reasons:

    1) Matrimony as described in our CL ebook last year is The love of man and woman is made holy in the Sacrament of Marriage and becomes a mirror of the love of Christ for His Church. This sacrament serves as the foundation for the establishment of a Christian family. It states that it is a sacrament the joins a MAN AND A WOMAN and not gays, lesbians,etc. It also states that it is a foundation of a Christian family so how can the gays start a family. Although they may adopt children, a child still needs a tough and hardworking figure as his or her father and a loving and caring mother. And not two of each.

    2) There are many stories in the bible such as "Sodomy and Gomorrah","Leviticus 20:13" and many more that clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Even in genesis in the beginning. When God created Adam, He saw that he was lonely and wanted to give an APPROPRIATE companion for him and choose eve. Men are ment to be with women otherwise we would only have one gender.

    3) Love can not be the justification for ignoring the issue. I am not saying that loving someone is wrong. After all, we are all called to love. You can love in many ways. You can love your friend, your family, or even your pets. But just because you love them justifies that you can marry them.

    I am not discriminating gay people. Being gay is just a personality. You can be gay and still be a Christian. But what I am against is them getting married.

  87. I am for gay marriage.

    Getting married means that we are given the ability to procreate with our significant other. Obviously, two people from the same gender cannot. I learned in CL class last year that people, regardless of their gender, who are sterile, barren or anyone that cannot procreate has no right to get married. What if the person you want to marry is barren? Does that make it okay?

    I recently learned in CL about Sodomy and Gammorah. It clearly shows that it is the physical action that makes it a sin. What if these two individuals from the same gender wants to be together just because they love each other? It doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to "lay" with each other. It's their choice if they want to take their relationship to the next level. I quote from 1 Corithians 13:4-6, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." Basically, if ever they want to be together in the name of love, they are aware of the evil that they're actions may cost. Furthermore, Pope Francis stated in his new encyclical, Laudati Si, that he isn't against the union of gays. It's the physical contact that makes it all wrong.

    Lastly, these couples adopt unwanted kids. They want a better life for these kids and they believe on their potential. It's a good thing that they accept these children rather than the kids to be unwanted until they grow up. Aside from adoption, they get surrogates. I know that surrogacy isn't really a safe option but I'm pretty sure that the girl wasn't forced to be one. It's her choice to be a surrogate and she should know what will come when she does agree to it. There are a lot of gay couples that raise kids like Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka. This couple has twins from a surrogate mother. They are able to raise these kids (who are 4 year olds). If they can do a good job at raising them, shouldn't gays have the right to do so too?

    I do have friends and relatives who are gay. These people are some of the nicest and happiest people I met. We live in a world that accepts change. We are more accepting of black people compared to the last century. Women are now treated as equals and can do the same thing as men. As well as women have more rights now. We use technology to innovate the world we live in. Throughout history, gays are considered as outcasts. If we are really accepting of change, race and equality, why not accept gay marriage?

    "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." -George Bernard Shaw

  88. More or less i am for same sex marriage, but my stand on it is on the word "Marriage". I completely agree with same sexes dating and also getting married in this day. Let's be honest, nowadays the people who get married probably are not aware if what marriage is even about other than uniting each other, which by all means is not bad if that's your intention, but in the sense of a Catholic perception there are discreptancies with allowing same sexes to marry each other.

    Religion at the old time was very strict, but now religion for most is just finding something or someone to believe in so that they may remian sane. Marriage now is just for a stronger bond, which is not bad ofourse, and that's when people say "Why not?" on the matter of same sex marriage. They have a point, why can't you get married to the same sex? There area lot of people expressing who they are and a lot of people, more clearly, on the internet. In a day where a video of someone coming as gay out that has a like/dislike ratio of 100:3 and with comments of overwhelming support, it shows that people nowadays are more accepting.

    Now this goes back to "Why Not?", in a world where marriage is now also for companionship, why not give them the privilege to be companions. Another arguement would be, "If a same sex couple were to marry, will it hurt you in any way?" if you had no relations with anyone in the couple, why should you feel "Ashamed" or "Disgraced" you are not at all affected. These people are HUMAN like us, so why limit them when they are just as human as a straight person. Everyone should be given the right to marry in this day and age because they are human aswell, and they should be given the same rights as human, whether it be a straight human or gay.

  89. Sebastian Dela Cruz CN 12 JF

    The Church, the Civil State and Science will never go together. Many controversies, issues and disputes come from the arguments between the three governments and their beliefs and sources. Many include the Reproductive bill, the Creation of the world and man and today, the legalization of same sex marriage.
    Just like racial and religion differences, respect is important. Respect is important and we should respect the beliefs of others. Nobody knows what is correct or wrong and nobody is above all.
    Same sex marriage is a Civil law, to be held and made in the court. This marriage is bonded in a civil court by a judge. The Catholic Church can not legalize this because since time in memorial, it is not followed in their commandments and goal of life (on which I too as a Catholic would agree for this reason). However,like mentioned, same sex marriage is a law in the civil state and court.
    The Church have no right to argue and fight the beliefs and laws and goals of others since they are separate. If they do not want it, they must simply no force it and should not mess around with the state. A gay couple or a lesbian couple who wishes to marry go and apply though the court while a normal marriage can be done in the Church. Marriage is governed by these two and people have choices. The Church can not influence the state since they have a mind of their own, separate and independent. The Church and the state have different beliefs and goals and it all comes down to respect among each other.
    Iam dissapointed that the Church and many Catholics fight and protest against this, sometimes very physcially and negatively. It is actually the Church that cause chaos among people because they always think they are given the most priority above all. They have no respect. This actually makes them less of a "catholic" than they should be.
    In conclusion, like mentioned before the Church, Civil State and Science can never go together and they must simply respect each other. These organizations are separate and people have the choice to whom to believe and follow. Respect is required among all these as none of the other organization is right or must be given priority, all three are equal and their goals are valid and true. These three organizations are separate and independent and people have the choice to whom to follow.
    I will give a negative stand if same sex marriage is allowed in the Church simply because since time in memorial, it is not followed in the teachings and commandments. The goal of marriage is love and procreation or reproduction in which a gay or lesbian couple can not do. Many scriptures in the Bibile support this goal. Even in other religions, a man and woman is required for marriage.
    In terms of the state, Same sex marriage should be allowed and I would happily support it. This marriage promotes the equality of all genders, male, female, gay, lesbian and transgender. These couples are also encouraged to adopt children since they can not reproduce themselves and this would help the problem on overpopulation. In a scenario when a spouse dies, inheritance is rightfully claimed to the adopted child or to the other spouse since they are next in line and not to relatives. This is also same to medical cases, in a hospital wherein medical choises must be decided upon such as euthanasia, the spouse can correctly decide since he/she knows the other better rather than relatives.

  90. Alyanna Basbas [JI]

    When a child is born into the world, they are programmed to love. They are free from bias and misjudgment—they love their neighbors, friends, family, enemies, strangers. When a child is growing up, they are taught that God has put them on this Earth for a purpose. A reason. To take care of God's creations, to follow Him, and to love. To love others even if they don't love you—to love as much as our Father loved us. But how come some people aren't allowed to show their love? How come some people get their right to love taken away from them because of a book written 3,500 years ago?

    A lot of anti same-sex marriage defendants focus on religion. "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" or "A woman is made for a man—that's why God made us that way." And more often that not, they use the Bible as a reference of their stand against homosexuality. Anti same-sex marriage defendants say that "the main reason for marriage is procreation." Yes, marriage was created for procreation because of the lack of people who populated the Earth in those times. There were only two people on Earth that time, and marriage was a way for them to populate the Earth. But now the world is over populated—there are people without jobs, proper food, shelter, or clothing. Surely, we don't need marriage for the sole purpose of reproduction. Also, the Bible contradicts itself often: it told us not to kill, yet Cain murdered Abel. It told us that marriage is sacred, yet many examples of men in the Bible had multiple spouses or porcupines. Albeit, the Bible taught us many great things. It passed down God's teachings from generation to generation—from race to race. But this doesn't mean we should have a closed mind to change. Times have changed since then. Values have changed since then. Opinions changed since then. We have changed since then. The Bible, despite all its good teachings, shows hypocrisy.

    The topic of same-sex marriage has sparked arguments around the world since the 1980s. Wars, revolts, and protests have started because of the topic of same-sex marriage. The government and the church have been in a constant state of push-and-pull because, as much as we would like to believe otherwise, there is no such thing as the separation of church and state. Philippine government officials are biased because of their traditional view of religion. Most Filipinos are urged to vote for these kind of officials because the word Christian is synonymous to responsible, traditional. If we want change in our country, we should elect leaders who can separate religion from the government. Who can make decisions based on what the people need, instead of religion. In my opinion, we cannot fully develop if there is no separation between church and state.

    1. Part 2:

      In the world today, people would go as far as shaming homosexuals and excluding them from society. Those prejudiced individuals think that gays ruin the sanctity of marriage. Newsflash: The only people who ruin the sanctity of marriage are the heterosexuals. I know more happy, gay couples than I do straight, "normal" couples. My uncle and his boyfriend have been together for 10 years and are still closer than ever. The narrow-minded people in today's society push people away from God just because of their homosexuality. If you do not respect someone else's beliefs, you're the problem. At the end of the day, they win and you lose. Those homosexuals you shame are happier than you and your narrow-minded, judgmental attitude.

      When a child is growing up, they are taught that, no matter what, God will always love us. His love is unconditional, unbreakable, and unrivaled. God has given us the gift of free will. We are taught to not be afraid of who we are. At a young age, we are taught that we should be ourselves, love ourselves, and love who we want. We have all been made in wonderful His image and likeness. God made us the way we are for a reason, for a purpose. And our ultimate purpose in life is love—because love is not a privilege, it's a right.

  91. I am anti for same sex marriage, because first of all I believe that Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman. This then shall lead to procreation and education of their offsprings as well as it will show the unity of the couple. It also defeats the purpose of marriage which is the continuation of the human race and the raising of children/future generations.

    Another reason is that same sex marriage turns a moral wrong into a civil right. Same sex marriage opposes nature. Regardless of their race/color, and economic status two individuals of the same sex (male&male or female&female), will never be able to marry or fulfill what marriage really is because it is biologically impossible.

    The last reason why I am not for this is because, it is against God. In genesis God created man and woman and blessed them he said "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen. 1:28-29). Also in genesis it tells us how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality (Gen. 19:24-25), this tells us that same sex marriage is a crime against nature. So in conclusion i believe that same sex marriage is against the teachings of God and it defies what marriage really is, a covenant between MAN and WOMAN.

  92. I am anti gay marriage because one thing I learned is that marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. I have nothing against the lgbt community and I support them, but marriage isn't the way to go. I believe that marriage is for man and woman only and it's okay if there are same sex relationships, as long as it doesn't go as far as marriage.

    In the Internet, people are using the Bible as a weapon against gay marriage and for it. The people are focusing on the verses wherein love is meant for everyone, whether it's the same sex or not. However, in the Bible, there are verses that strictly say that marriage is for man and woman. In Genesis 2:24, it says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." That verse shows that marriage is meant for man and woman,

    The goal of marriage is to procreate or multiply. Couples of the same sex can't multiply. Although adopting children is good, every child needs a motherly figure and a fatherly figure to look up to. You can't have two fathers or two mothers. The child wouldn't be raised as well with the same sex parents. However that doesn't mean that two fathers wouldn't do a good job, it's just that a child needs both parents.

    I find marriage to be very sacred. Once you're married, you're bound to that person for life. I believe in the Bible and I respect same sex relationship, but gay marriage isn't something God would approve. Relationships and marriage are two very different things. I say that it should only be husband and wife, not wife and wife or husband and husband.

  93. I am not for same sex marriage. Marriage is a SACRED union between a man and a woman with intention to procreate. If two homosexuals love each other dearly, by no means they should be together; however, they should not involve marriage in this. Marriage is a sacrament not just a symbol of love. Furthermore, same sex marriage, in some aspect, would also support sodomy which is a big no-no in the bible and also for our health. It is believed that AIDS came from gay sex. Same sex marriage could break the very foundation of society which is a family. I believe that it is not right to make a hotdog sandwich tapos dalawa hotdog mo dapat may kasamang bread.

  94. I'm not for same-sex marriage. Marriage's main purpose, according to the church, is for pro-creation. Man and man, woman and woman can't procreate. It's physically impossible. The church has added a new purpose for procreation which is companionship for those who are baron.

    Marriage is a sacred event where man and woman are bonded till death ("til death do us part"). It is where the pastor/priest initiate a wedding. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony." This is what the pastor/priest say when there is a wedding. As you can see see it says, "to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony" not "to join together this Man and this Man or this Woman and this Woman in holy matrimony."

    The LGBT community must respect that marriage is a sacred event for the Christians. They can be together in my opinion but should not be bonded through holy matrimony but a separate event. This might not seem fair but they have to respect the ways and teachings of the church.

  95. JI 19

    I anti same sex marriage mainly because the act disgusts me and Father God tasked us to procreate. It is okay to love one another just like we are told to do so, but then marriage is a privilege not a right. Yes ofcourse everyone can do anything just not against the law, surely they can live on each other's house and spend their lives together because it is not under the law. Once again marriage is a privilege not a right and it states that Marriage should be man and a woman not man and man.

  96. Beatrix Longa JI 21

    I am for the same sex marriage. I think that it is okay for the same gender to get married because marriage is a union between two spouses and everyone has the right to get married with the one they love. Many people say that marriage is for pro creation and for sexual activity, but it is also a wedlock that represents your love for one another. Same sex marriage will create more families and more families will lead to more adoption so there will be less children without parents. Even though God said that marriage is meant for a man and a woman and to build a stable family and have a good environment for their family, but he also said that he create man in the image of his likeness therefor, a man and a man or a woman and a woman are still in gods image, so it's okay for them to get married. By having this same sex marriage also promotes equality. Which is how God wanted to treat everyone.

  97. I am pro same-sex marriage. Some say that the purpose of marriage is to procreate, if a man and woman do get married and let's say one of them is barren, so how will they procreate?
    Marriage is a ceremony where two people who truly love each other are joined in holy matrimony, it doesn't matter if they're of the same sex, as long as they love each other. God sees everyone equally, so I think we should also look and treat everyone equally. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trasngender, so what? They're still people. They have feelings too and the same body parts and a lot of other things! So why treat them differently? They should also be allowed to get married, if they want.

    Eunica Fontejon JF

  98. Monzie Del Prado J-D

    I am pro same-sex marriage although people have a point about same-sex marriage going against the purpose of God which is to pro-create. But if a man loves and wants to marry another man who are we criticize or reject what they want. I dont think anything bad will happen to our lives if gay people marry, if they're happy then okay why bother them its their lives not ours let them be. The greatest thing God gave us is free will and i think that God guides us in the course of our lives so if thats the fate God wants for a gay couple then who are we to deny them and who are we to deny what God wants for them. And I think legalizing same-sex marriage will make a huge impact in equality which is important and significant because thats what all human beings need, equality, respect for one another. Lastly keep in mind this is a new world plenty of things in the bible said that were not allowed to do this and that but through the years plenty of people do it anyways so why is gay marriage such a big issue for people to accept, that is why i believe gay people should have the right to marry but never in the catholic church.

  99. Jill Panganiban Junior - F

    Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized in the Philippines

    I still and will forever wonder why this topic should even be argued about. The issue has been debated numerous times between the LGBT community and other groups who may either be from the Christian community or the heterosexual community. It makes one wonder why the heterosexual community is even against it if it brings no harm to them, except of course if their arguments are rooted from their strong Christian beliefs. How exactly is the union or marriage between two persons of same sex affecting them? The only difference that would arise from the same sex marriage being legalized is that it offers another option to the community, it will afford equal or same rights to people belonging to same sex marriage and the number of same-sex marriage will be bigger. Legalizing it does not mean that people are forced to take that option and that there won’t be any heterosexual marriages anymore. People will still have a choice. People should be given a choice and not legalizing it will be any different.

    For Christians, marriage is a holy sacrament between a man and a woman. It is stated in the bible, which is the primary basis of their faith. We cannot change that. Since the topic touches on marriage in general, those who feel strongly about upholding their beliefs cannot help but argue how they believe this sacrament should be practised and performed. The truth though is marriage is being practised or performed likewise in other religions and other religions have different beliefs and ways of performing and living this sacrament. Some see it as a union of 2 persons regardless of sex or sexual preference, others see it differently. It is definitely unfair to impose ones beliefs regarding marriage on someone else’s. The Philippines is predominantly Catholic but the fact is there are still a number of people or communities that belong or practise religions or beliefs that are non-Catholic or non-Christian based.

    The LGBT community is not even fighting against what we, Christians, believe in but they are simply fighting for their rights and the exercise thereof in their own country. They want our governments to grant them same rights as the other married couples, such as, right to the property that the couple acquired or purchased should they separate or if one of them dies, right to be recognized as legal heirs or beneficiaries of pensions, etc., Seth Rogan, a very famous actor-comedian, once said: “Claiming someone else’s marriage is against your religion is like getting mad at someone for eating a donut while you’re on a diet.” As unserious as it sounds, he does make a very serious point.

    Love is love. How else can you describe it for it is the indescribable? It is uncontrollable. One cannot stop themselves from loving. One cannot explain why they feel that way. No matter how much one tries to stop them from feeling that way, they just cannot stop feeling the way they do. It is sad enough that these people cannot fully express what they feel without being discriminated upon or judged. It is unimaginable how one would feel if they are told they cannot love what they truly love or that they cannot express what and how they feel and yet we make declarations that we are a free country and that everyone enjoys freedom and have legal rights. If we truly espouse equality and freedom, marriage should be available to all persons regardless or sex or beliefs. The legal rights afforded others by virtue of marriage or legal union should equally apply to them likewise. I strongly do believe that these LGBT members are already trying to stop how they feel especially by how they are treated around.

  100. First of all I am for same sex marriage because God gave us free will and with that free will we have the right to choose and with that freedom we have the right to choose who we get to love in this world so nobody has the right to say otherwise.

    Secondly the overpopulation in the country causes many children to be put up for adoption and instead of people reproducing more the same sex couples could just adopt since they are incapable of conceiving one themselves.

    And last of all everyone should be given the right to love whomever they want and for that bond to last till death do them part.

  101. First i would like i am for the gay marriage and here is why

    God gave us free will so we should be able to choose the people we want to spend the rest of our lives with. And since god said that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves isnt the LGBT following the word of the lord? Lesbian and gay couples should be given the right to marry because if straight people can then why cant they? Everyone should be treated equally just like how god sees us all the same in his eyes. I do not see anything wrong with gay marriage because its a sign of love and if two people of the same sex are in love then they should be given the right of marriage. These gay and lesbian couples will be able to adopt those children who do not have families. The problem with straight people is that they would rather propagate than adopt these orphans and that would leave them without families or a place to call home. These gay and lesbian couples will be able to take these children in and care for them properly. So wouldnt legalizing gay marriage be good even for the children then?

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Junior-D

    I am for same sex marriage. Why? For me, I don't see anything wrong with it. The only problem I have with it is how the LGBT community reacted to it during the legalization of the same sex marriage in the states. I'm not saying this is how ALL of the members of the LGBT community reacted, but there are some that took it too far. Although I have nothing against the LGBT community, I don't appreciate the fact that some of them tend to push God away, some even openly admitting to do so.

    A friend of mine showed me a video of some of the reactions of both the LGBT community and those who were against it. While those who were against it were SIMPLY PREACHING AND SAYING how they (LGBT's) should turn to God, those who were for the same sex marriage started to shout at those who preached. I saw a picture on Facebook as well showing that gay couples were both crucified (their hands were just tied, not actually nailed) to the cross to impersonate Jesus Christ during the legalization. While I am happy they have the RIGHT to marry, I.... I believe they should have respected those who were against it, as well as our religion. The crucifixion is Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and showcase of love for US as a WHOLE. I don't think they (LGBT's) should have remade it just to satisfy and show off the that the LGBT community are Christians as well. They could have done it in a better way.

    Again, I have nothing against the LGBT community. I'm happy they can marry, I'm happy they can proudly show off their love to one another and in the sight of God, BUT I'm upset at how they're reacting to those who are against it and how some do not give respect to our Lord. They can have this right for marriage yes, but let us not forget that since this is done under a CHURCH, they should give respect and love to God, not neglect Him.

    (In conclusion: I am for same sex marriage because I believe it's an equal right for ALL OF US to have it. We shouldn't stop those who want it as well just because of sexual preference, it's not right. It's unfair. I'm okay with this as long as the LGBT community respects the non LGBT people and the church as well—seeing as some are doing atrocious acts.)

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Lorenzo Miguel Bonifacio J-F

    My stand has been and always will be that homosexuality should not be condemned in any way. I have always believed that love can exist in the littlest of things and that it can take up any shape or any form - even between two people of the same gender. Often times we are too caught up in our own opinions that we lose sight of what actually matters in this world, whether something is right or wrong. My stand here is not an opinion but a point: There is nothing wrong with Gay-Marriage; any love, so long as it is a true and good love, should be proclaimed in the name of the ultimate embodiment of love, Our Lord God. Why condemn two men/two women for wanting to bind their love through their faith and through God just because they are the same gender? What we should be condemning is the evil in this world rather than condemning someone all because they fell in love with someone of the same gender as them. It's simple, are they doing acts that harm others or are they doing something wrong? If not, if they're good people of God, why shouldn't they be allowed to get married?

    So many people will argue that homosexuality is a sin because it is mentioned in The Bible, and yet The Bible within itself is hundreds of years old and was written - AND EDITED OVER TIME, I MIGHT ADD - by men and woman who are subject to their own opinions and their own interpretations - it is our human nature to be. I have a very strong faith and I have felt God's presence in my life which fuels me in doing God's ultimate purpose for us in this world, to do good in His name. I will say, with no fear of being condemned by God, that even if I've read the entire bible, I do not agree with everything in it, nor do I agree with everything the Church has to say. Why? Because the people that wrote the bible and the people heading our religous organization are still capable of making mistakes, just like we all are.

    And that is entirely my point, we should not be looking at homosexuals any differently than we look at ourselves in the mirror. We are all children of God and we are all meant to love. Love shouldn't be hindered lest it commits evil - true evil; evil that harms others, that hurts others, or that creates a negative outcome, not some evil that is only dictated to be considered evil on a book written by people who may have gotten it wrong or may have inserted their own personal afflictions or perspectives into it as well. If the two homosexuals are people of faith and want to live out their love in the name of our Lord, then they should be allowed to. There should be no branding, nor categorization, nor inquality amongst us - the people of God - for we are ALL his children. We should treat homosexuals as we treat heterosexuals: So long as they are believers, so long as they are good, and so long as the marriage and love is true, they should be allowed to lift up their love to God through the blessed sacrament of Marriage.

  106. Junior D

    I am for same sex marriage because I believe that we can love whoever we want, regardless of our gender. Love knows no boundaries. I know that as a Christian, marriage allows procreation— that is something two people with the same gender cannot do, and it is still unacceptable by the church for them to engage in such sexual activity. However, just because they want the right to marry each other, it doesn't necessarily that mean they want to do “it” with each other. I personally think that their main intentions are that they just want to give more meaning to their relationship and have a deeper bond as couple if it would be bound by marriage.

  107. Katrina Bisuña JD
    I am for same-sex marriage because i believe in marriage equality and that as Christians, we must be open to the fact the we are all children of God and that we were made in His image and likeness. Therefore, being our true and honest selves, simply exemplifies and expresses how God works and lives through us. It is stated in the bible; Genesis 1:26 - "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."

    Same-sex marriage isnt the problem. People who think negatively towards it are the problem. If God intended for us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and gender shouldnt be something to hinder that. As a feminist in our constantly progressing modern world, we should strive for equality for both male and female. Women arent the only ones in the losing end of gender inequality, some men are affected by this. The norms and stereotypes of men being strong, manly and tough make it hard for some to be truly themselves because they think that it is not socially acceptable and that they will be shunned for being different. This causes them to doubt themselves but really the society should accept them. Some may say that the story of Sodom and Gamorrah is a clear source that homosexuality is a sin. However, God destroyed that city for their homosexual ACTS. The men's intentions for the angels were harmful, the opposite of love. Therefore, God punished them for that. Marriage is meant to be a union between two people to express and portray their love and God's love to the community. If we dont allow everyone to marry who they love, wouldnt that break God's commandment?

  108. Antonio Ramos J-H

    Disclaimer: I'm not against gays, I'm against the act of same sex marriage in a catholic setting.

    Marriage in a Catholic sense is a sacred bond between man and woman, (I'm okay with a civil marriage for lgbt, but not under the Catholic Church) the whole idea of marriage is that bond for a man and woman under God. Some call it a naturally sterile union,

    The basic ways of family either denies a father or a mother and gives them the belief that it's fine to follow that sort of belief. Following that children need a mother and a father, not 2 of each, I don't disapprove of this, but when raising a child they need both.

    Following the sex-ed of other countries, some people who aren't informed (youth mostly) that are homosexual find themselves troubled by the problem with no sex-ed for homosexuality, making it a problem for their health and lifestyle.
