
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"My Angel Angelo"


I met Angelo when we were both 13 years old, we weren’t immediate friends but we were quite good acquaintances, at the time we were both interested with someone else, me with an old friend and him with a new one. We really started to become friends when we were asked to group ourselves for our music class; me, him and our other friends, we were quite close back then. A few days hanging out with them and I realized something, I fell for this boy, I fell for him so hard that looking at him physically makes me want to look away and bury my head into something soft because I liked him that much, it pretty much ruined my life in the sense that my heart could never stop beating around him, realizing I liked him was pretty painful though, i kept helping him in the person he was interesting and suddenly, every time I helped him I felt like there was a heavy weight on my chest slowly crushing me inside out. Luckily, I managed to confess to him...via my friend but that still counted. I was pleasantly surprised when the next Monday he told me he liked me back, it was awesome, until I got to thinking that maybe I was just a rebound, but he reassured me that I wasn’t. He asked me out in the weirdest way, I was really curious about what he was hiding from me so he told me that if i got perfect on my math activity sheet he would let me know, and boy did I shock him with my perfect score –minus the fact that I might have copied off of someone?- . We proceeded to date and he proposed to me and it was awesome, it was after college when we both got jobs as lawyers and he asked me during a family dinner with my parents and his and it was very embarrassing but also very very sweet.

Our marriage was very happy, we married near Christmas and it was a very joyous celebration, all our friends were there and our families were very supportive and it was great. We married in our home country, when I walked down the altar towards the priest and my soon-to-be husband and then said my marriage vows, I felt like nothing could kill my mood. Afterwards, we moved to a place where we could both work our separate jobs, although we were both lawyers, he was a defense one. One day I was feeling very sick, I didn’t really think much of it because I’m usually a very sickly person, always needing to be rushed to the hospital. A few months later, I was looking at the mirror  and realized that my stomach was getting pretty big, I got scared and decided I wouldn’t tell him about it yet until I had my suspicions confirmed so I went to my mother who brought me to a hospital, we got it checked and it looks like I was pregnant, 3 months pregnant in fact. I told Angelo about it and he was really happy and it was great..until one day. I woke up one night 2 months later feeling a burning fever and pain on my stomach, I though I was going through labour but that couldn’t be right..I was only 5-6 months in. He brought me to the hospital and I felt so numb as they took my child out of me. My child who would never be able to spend time with his mother and father.. Days after that incident, we were both so depressed, he was becoming so angry and came home late and overworked himself, it was a really horrible phase of our lives..
Slowly, we recovered. We found comfort in each other and slowly started to gain hope, we helped each other with our problems and picked each other up. We eventually started living our lives with happiness again, and eventually I was pregnant again.
I became a mother of two children, twins in fact. When they were born it was the happiest day of my life, we named them Camille and Joshua, the names we agreed on all those years before. I was so happy then and I am still happy now to be able to live the rest of my life with someone that I truly love and care about.

Reflection: marriage is really important, it is a way for people to confirm and strengthen their love for one another. It is a way for people to make sacrifices for one another for the sake of their love. This project made me realize how wonderful it would be to grow old with someone that you love and care about, to see them happy and smiling and not sad. I think that God makes people in pairs and that we’re meant to find soulmate.  

1 comment:

  1. Its actually an interesting story. I like it. It gives a deeper meaning in life. And from what I read it looks like it was someone's real life story. After a sunset there comes a new sunrise.

    Megan Cabazor
