
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"And Aubrey is her name..."

By: Diego E Macias 9E 25

Love is a Crazy thing. It happens to everyone no matter what. If you think love can’t catch you. Well guess what, you have already been caught long time ago. The love you have been constantly receiving from your parents, families is pure and simple, love in itself. 
In this world, there are generally two kinds of love. First is the one you receive the most, parental love. Next is the kind of love that comes once you grow older. This is the kind of love that makes you want nothing but the “completeness” of the object of your affection. In this sense it is called interpersonal love.

My name is Diego Lorenzo Estorco Macias. I am 25 years old and proud owner of a medium-sized bakery which is very popular for its sweets. For those who haven’t known or just want to give it a try, it is near Manhattan New York and well, this is my love life. 

Back when I was 14 years old, I had a friend named Aubrey. She was cute and i liked but her once we graduated i couldn't tell her that i liked her. But as timed moved on i eventually forgot about her.

Now back to the present, today is a Saturday and it has started well. The smell of fresh air, sight of people coming to my store having good time, and the many orders that keep on coming inspires me to work double time. Well I have employees but it is their day off. 

While I was making pastries, I noticed I was running out of supply. Well this means I have to close the store early so as I can run to the grocery to resupply. After I closed the bakery I went to my apartment, changed my clothes and went to the groceries. On my route to the groceries I heard someone called out my name. I looked around and saw Luis was calling my name. He was with Meth and Franzl, my other friends. 

I was surprised since I haven’t seen them in a while so I went to say hi as well. I asked them how they are and exchange some Hi and Hello, Luis answered he was given a break and Franzl on the other hand as well. Meth said it was there day off, so we talked and walked since I had told them I had to get stocks from groceries for my shop. 

While we were walking, I accidentally bumped a lady. We both fell down and rubbed our heads. Naturally my friends asked if I was okay so I said, “Im fine.” Then it suddenly hit me I have to say sorry to the lady who after saying sorry, started running the other way. I tried to say sorry but she was gone before I even said it. But I did catch a glimpse of her. She had long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She seemed familiar but I don't know why. 

So were finally at the groceries looking for the stuff I need. After the groceries we decided to hang out in Star bucks. There we laughed a lot as we talk about our lives. 3 to 4 hours have passed, we all said goodbye and went home except for me since I had to go and put my baking supplies in the shop. While walking alone toward my shop, I could not stop thinking about the lady I bumped as she seemed so familiar. I don't know why. I was so out of focus that I accidentally bumped into a pole. I finally arrived at my bakery and put all the supplies I need tomorrow. After that I locked up went to my apartment watched some tv and went to bed. 

The next day was a slow day since there were not that many customers today. When the Door opened I looked at the door and I see a black and brown haired lady standing by the door holding a small bag but something about her seemed a bit familiar but I shrugged it off. So she went to a table and i asked what she wanted to order when I wrote down all her order and was about to walk away when the she suddenly asked if I bumped into someone yesterday, I said yes and she said that she was sorry and that it was her that I bumped into. I got confused for a sec but then realized she was the one who bumped me, so I said that it was okay and asked if she was okay and she said she was alright but I said that the orders is on the house since I bumped into her she was surprised and was about to decline when I said its okay since i said to take it as a sorry for yesterday. She was hesitant but she accepted it. 

After a while I started my break since I was tired and my employees wanted to work this time I noticed that she was still there reading a book, so I went to her and said mind if I sit here she  looked up and said sure. I sat down and began to talk with her about what she her work, how old are you, etc. It was about an hour or so when we were walking when she was about to leave I asked her what her name was but she said it was secret since she cant tell her name to someone she just met. I accepted that but I thought of an idea that can be fun for the both of us so i proposed that every 2 month or so we can ask each other a question about anything and if you got it right you reveal a letter in your name but if you got it wrong the loser will have to reveal a letter in their name. So we started the activity we both gave each other a letter she said her first name has a Y and I said that mine has a D so she said goodbye and told me not to forget my promise, I smiled and said I wont and remained happy for the rest of the day.

After like six months we stilled play the game and she finally got my name but I still haven’t gotten hers, I only got the letters  A, B, E and Y from her. But One day I decided that I should ask her out the next time she came back her. So around 1 in the afternoon when she came inside the shop were talking but when she was about to leave I then asked if she would like to on a date with me she said yes with no hesitation and I was happy so I asked her what time I should pick her up and she said around 7pm tomorrow and I agreed. So after that we went our separate ways and I was excited for tomorrow. 

The next day I woke early and opened the shop. Around 6 o clock I closed it down and went into my car and went to the address she gave me. When I was about to knock on the door the door opened up and revealed her wearing a blue tank top a white jacket and jeans and she looked amazing. She said hi and said I was early I said that I had extra time. So when we went inside my car she asked me where we were going I told her going to a Italian restaurant and a stroll around a park. After we arrived in the Italian restaurant we went to a table ordered our food and began talking to each other after a while our food arrived and we ate and continued talking. 

After we were done with our food I payed for the food and we went around a nearby park and started talking about ourselves, i finally got her name since she said it was unfair that she already knows my name she said it her name was Aubrey, and i was so surprised since i couldn't remember her since she looked so different now, i asked why she didn't tell me her name in the first place she said she was worried that i forgot her, well she was right about that but i wasn't offended by it and i finally told her that i liked her before and she said she liked me so we continued talking. After a while she started to get sleepy so I brought her home and she said thanks for the good time, I started to walk away when she suddenly kissed me then she let go and said ill see you tomorrow. I was shocked and happy so I went home to contemplate how today went.

After about 4 years we are still dating but I finally proposed to her on our 4th anniversary in Paris, she said yes and a week from now it will be our wedding and it will be the best wedding for the both of us. 

Our wedding day finally came and it was the greatest day ever we both said our vows and said our words " I do", we finally kissed and after that we had our honeymoon around paris and now i have a family with her and 2 awesome kids that i love so dearly.

The End
Reflection- This project made me realize how God is important in our love life. It also made me realize that marriage and love is the same since they both show love between a man and a woman. The only difference is that marriage binds two people together for the rest of their life. It also taught me more about marriage than i usually know.


  1. Nice story! I like how you guys met again!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like this story. It is very unique. It shows a lot of detail on how he courted and proposed to Aubrey. It also shows how different a guy's perspective is compared to girls. Lastly, it shows how a guy would react to a certain situation and reflect on it.
    Reyes, Katarina S. 9D

  4. "AND AUBREY IS HER NAME..." By: Diego E Macias

    This was well-written. The plot was carefully thought out and everything is described properly. The moments that were meant to be romantic were indeed romantic. The irony showed here was really interesting and it teaches others to not be afraid of wearing your heart on your sleeve. I also appreciate how realistic the story was. We do not fall in love at once, but it takes time. Despite the realistic parts of the story, it seemed so surreal, which I appreciate in a story.

    --Dorothy Bayang 9D 3

    1. Thank you for the feed back. Im glad you liked it

  5. This story shows us that love isn't always in the right time, it may be with the right person but it might not be the right time to be with them. This story was well written. He really showed how much he admired the girl through writhing. "I feel in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once" -John Green

    --Almira Tesorero 9A CN38

  6. This story is very well detailed. It makes us think that maybe the saying "If it's meant to be, it will happen" is true. It helps us realize that we shouldn't rush into things especially if we aren't ready.
