
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

“One Chance”

by: Nicole Sayoc (CN: 36) 9F

I never really had a positive perspective on love. Whenever people talk about how they hear music and feel butterflies in their stomach whenever they are with the person they are in love with, that they would do anything to be with them; to be happy even if it leads to intense pain and tremendous challenges. I used to believe in those lies until I got went through my first heartbreak. From that moment on I became bitter whenever it comes to love and just thought that everyone in love is insane, and so was I. The reality of love, I believe is that it’ll be wonderful at start but in the end it’ll most likely end horribly; heartbreak. After a while of bitterness and broken empty days I came to the point of realization where in I took in the fact that falling in love is nothing but a figment of imagination, a cycle of futile use of your time. How can one possibly find the person who could perhaps be called the so called the one when there are plenty of others out there who a man can fall in love with; others who are better than I am. That I believed, until I met him.

It was in fact unforeseen. I met him when I was in high school. I did not seem to notice him at first, until he approached me one time in the hallway and introduced himself in a very idiotic, but cute way. From all the fun times and moments we had I don’t even remember how got close or how I even come to end up liking this boy. It took me a little while, to realize that I was in love with this boy, and it took us a lifetime to realize that we were both in love with each other. Those sleepless nights where we text and chat with each other for hours, till the late am; at times we would talk in group chats with our friends, kind of like brothers and sisters actually.

I still remember the night he confessed; we were hanging out with our group of friends doing our usual things in the mall. The others left and it was only him and I now. A few laughs and cheesy puns and pick up lines after, he was just staring at me, I asked why and he just smiled, I then gave him a playful punch and we both drown in laughter. We were walking when he slowly held my hand and dragged me somewhere. I asked him where was he taking me and he just gave me a childish grin and laughed. With his hands covering my eyes out of nowhere I knew we were here. I slowly opened my eyes… The place was breathtaking, I felt like as if I were under a blanket of stars. He then held his hand out signaling me to follow him and take a seat beside him on the grass. I sat down beside him and asked why he brought me here. He moves closer, not answering my question….  After a moment of silence.. We were face to face, his nose only an inch away from mine… Then without a single word, he kissed me.  I was startled; as he looked at me embarrassed. He apologized, but then I leaned over and kiss him. And there in that very moment, with no words spoken, we both knew that we were in love.  

Our relationship was not exactly how I thought love would be; it was not perfect, we would have fights about the silliest things and sometimes it even comes to the point where we forget how much we loved each other. There are nights that I couldn’t even fall asleep, for a moment there I thought I was insane. Maybe I am. But that’s what true love does to you, it drives you mad, but in a good way, having all these thoughts and emotions can then prove that your love towards the person is real.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.  A text message from Harry “Good Morning, get ready I will pick you up later at 6pm. I have a surprise 😊 see ya later, stay safe for me, pls. love u *heart emoji*”

5:56pm, I checked my phone. I heard a knock on my door, it was Harry. We arrived in an Italian/Mediterranean restaurant and ate dinner there. As the night goes by I continue to wonder and think about what surprise he was talking about.

We finally pulled over after a few minutes of driving. I follow him as he leads me towards a trail like an arc made out of flowers and above us are fairy lights that look almost a bit like the stars. We finally reached the end of the arc kind of tunnel, and the view was absolutely breathtaking. We sat down under a tree where we could lay down, talk a bit and admire how beautiful the skyline looks and how the stars remind me of the way he looks at me with that same light in his eyes. Then, he took my hand, helping me up as he offered me to dance. I found it a bit silly; we both laughed. But I just went along with it, and dance to the music of our beating hearts. This moment I could say was one of the best I ever had, but nothing prepared me for the moment he stopped dancing and took my hand. He looked me in the eyes as he bent down on one knee saying how I was the light of his world and that life without me would be heartbreak. Pulling out a little navy blue velvet like box, inside is a diamond ring he took my hand once more and said “Will you be the moon to my stars and marry me?” I can’t help but laugh about how cliché he sounds, and cry because of how happy I am. Wiping my tears away, I pulled him into a hug. Naturally he was heavier than me so when I pulled him up, we ended up falling backwards onto the grass. We both laugh as he look at me tucking a stray hair of my face and placed it behind my ear, I smile as I stared down at him and without a doubt I said “Yes, I will marry you.”
As I stand before the aisle, I can’t help but smile about the thought of how happy and grateful I am. I took a look around the church decorated with silvery blue, white and gold flowers and to see many familiar faces staring at me. It was finally my turn, to be in a white lace wedding dress, for my father to walk me down to the altar; to the boy standing there eyes captivatingly beautiful in the sight of the woman he claims he loves truly, madly and deeply; to marry him and to spend his forever with, till death do us apart; as I thought the same.

The music began to play and then for a moment there my world only revolved around him, he was the only thing I could see clearly at sight. It was all surreal, I could not believe that all of this was happening; it felt as if I were dreaming. As we exchange our marriage vows, we both look at each other. By the look of his face I could tell how much I mean to this boy, and how he claims and says that he is the luckiest man for having to marry me. “… to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, for sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart” the priest then looks at us both asking if we would take each other as husband and wife. “I do” I followed after he spoke those very words without a doubt. Placing the rings on each other, the priest said that he may know kiss the bride.

The wedding reception was place in an events place where part of the roof was made out of glass, so you can see the stars above that reminds me of those moments we had. As we dance to the music during our wedding reception, his hands around my waist and mine around his neck. I laugh as I thought of the night he proposed to me; quite similar to this moment right now.
He pulls me closer, I face up to look at him and see a smile on his face; then again we were face to face, his nose only an inch away from mine, and then we kiss; nothing can compare to how perfect this moment is; then in this moment we knew that we were madly in love with each other and that this love will last forever.

I smile at the sight of my children with their father; the man I love, as they play around our front yard. I became a mother of two; my first born was boy and then a girl….. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead, I lean my head towards his chest; I thought of how I was before; a lifetime ago I thought love was just a figment of imagination and that it is useless, how silly of me. I now realized that everything I’ve experienced happened for a reason; and those mistakes and decisions I have made has brought me to where I am right now; and I don’t regret making  those decisions and committing those mistakes because it led me to this life; of happiness and true love.

You will fall in love not only once. Love will come to pass in your life more than once. And each time it happens it’ll just be startling, astonishing and wonderful as the first time. And possibly just as painful and excruciating.  It will happen again, until you find the right one. There might come a phase after heartbreak where you will come to the point of realization where in you take in the fact that it is normal and possible that the results of these experiences can misguide you and make you feel, confused, depressed, lonely, cynical and all. Basically, everything that will occur in your life is made by you, with the guidance of God; the decision will be all on you and the results would be based on how you decided to act on the situation/problem you are encountering, although  of course God has a plan in stored for you, you must still try and do your best to make most out of everything you have; those mistakes, no matter how painful they may be, you must not let that affect you negatively, what you should do is use it as a guide, a lesson, to help you in your further life challenges and problems. Lastly, throughout your life you must always remember that God is with you and you can always pray and ask for guidance, because He will be there, and is just waiting for you to ask, “Do you best and God will do the rest.”

Disclaimer: None of these events from the story has ever occurred nor will the author plan on doing so. (the boy the author imagines to be is Harry Styles from the boy band One Direction.)

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