
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

One Wish

by: Miguel Calpito 9F 7
         Life? It can do terrible things. Though, with those terrible things, life also comes with amazing things. These are what you should think about in life, the good things, not the bad ones. My life had many happy things and sad things, but I could still say that I lived a good one. Back when I was in the 5th grade, I saw a beautiful girl from our batch. She was an angel to me. Every day, I would pass by her classroom just to look at her. She never noticed me, but I didn't really care at the time. I only cared to see if she was happy. I continued this till we were in the 8th grade. Then one day, she just approached me. "Who are you looking for?" she asked. I was simply shocked that she finally talked to me. I couldn't say a word, after staring at her eyes for a few seconds, I finally answered back "Uhm, I'm here waiting for, uh, Carlo, yeah, Carlo". She told me that Carlo was absent, so I thanked her and just left. As I was buying food in the canteen that day, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. It was the girl I liked. She asked for my name, so I told her my name. After that, I asked for hers, and after 3 years, I finally found out what her name was - it was Sophie. We had a little chat about some of our upcoming projects and tests. Later that day, I added her on Facebook, and we just started chatting. We would chat every night. I would even join her for lunch once in a while. I felt like I was finally closer to calling her mine. We continued being close friends for 2 years, until I finally got the guts to ask her out. She said yes, so I brought her out for dinner and a movie. We both enjoyed that night a lot.

          We continued dating for a few months. Then finally, while we were on a date in BGC, after years of dreaming for it to happen, I asked her to be my girlfriend. With a huge smile on her face, she said yes. I felt complete, as if all those years of admiring her paid off. I met her parents a few weeks after, and they accepted me with open arms. 2 years into the relationship, we got terrible news, she had to leave for Canada. Her mother apparently found a good job there, and they had to move. On the day of her flight, I brought her out for breakfast, and gave her a necklace. I told her that as long as she wears that necklace, it would mean that she still loves me. So every day, I would Skype her, so I could ask how her day was, and so I could check if she was still wearing that necklace. For a year of being in Canada, she wore the necklace every day. Her family had to come back to the Philippines because the grandmother became too old to run her business. I was filled with excitement to hear that she was coming back. I gave her a welcoming gift as I picked them up from the airport. We both cried with joy as we saw each other. It felt amazing to have my arms wrapped around her again. I was finally allowed to bring her out every other day. We were together as a couple for the longest time. It felt like we had a closer bond than just boyfriend and girlfriend. It felt like I knew her ever since she was born. I knew every little detail about her. From her favorite toy as a kid, to the reason why her parents got mad at her in the 7th grade.

         It’s been 11 years since our relationship began, and it still felt I was loving her more every day. I’d pick her up from work every day and treat her out for dinner. It was basically part of my daily routine. Her birthday was coming closer, so I decided to get us tickets to Paris. We celebrated her birthday in Le Jules Verne, a restaurant located on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, where we had the best food we have ever tried. As we finished our meal, I kneeled on the floor, brought out a ring from my pocket, looked up her gorgeous eyes, and I said “Sophie, I have been with you for 11 years. I started off as some guy in school who simply adored you, to a friend who you could talk to anytime, as the guy who would pick you up from work every day for dinner, and finally as the man now, who would want to ask you the most important question in his life; ‘Will you marry me?’”. With tears flowing down her eyes, she said “I’m sorry, I love you, but there’s something I haven’t told you… I’m sick, and I don’t think I could live with you for the rest of your life”. I’ve never been so sad to hear something in my entire life. Tears began running down my face, and I told her “Love, I asked you if you could marry me, I don’t care if I couldn’t be with you forever, I just want you to marry me, and spend whatever time you have to be with me”. She said yes, but that was the most emotional day in my life. I was happy to be engaged with the girl I love, but I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to spend a lifetime with her. I made sure that we spent our time together at the fullest. We made a list of things we wanted to do, and tried to do all of them. Until one night, she just fell to the ground. The doctor said that she’s already too weak to do all the stuff left on our list. As the last thing she wanted us to do, we started planning the wedding. We planned everything in her hospital room. She chose her dress, we picked out our favorite cake, we chose which Church we wanted to get married in, I decided that I wanted Jericho to be my best man, she decided that she wanted Mandy to be her bridesmaid, and we basically planned everything for our dream wedding. I took care of her in the hospital all the way. The date was set, and everything was prepared. The best day of my life was just a month away. Her sickness just kept getting worst, it was panful to watch. Then the doctor tells us a terrible thing; that she may not live that long. We prayed every day, and every night that I’d be able to marry her. The day came when I was to be called her husband. I was happy that she was strong enough for that day. We got married in St. James The Great, where her father brought her down the aisle in a wheel chair. She was so beautiful. It felt like I was falling in love all over again. Our marriage was her biggest wish, and I even though it was killing me to see her in pain, I was simply happy to make that wish come true. It was amazing, she was so happy that day. She even tried to dance even if she found it hard just to stand. I could see her, tired, in pain. But she was just doing her best for everyone to be happy for her. The day ended, and I had to bring her back to the hospital. She laid on her bed, and smiled at me. She then held my hand, gave me a kiss, and whispered in my ear “I love you. You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me”. Then, she let go.

          Life has a lot of ups and downs. The terrible things in life just help you bring out more of the good things. Life, it’s a true mystery. It may seem really happy/sad right now, but the future is still unknown. It can be great, but it can also be sad. Always remember, God won’t let you live your entire life sad, so if you think that he hates you, just wait for the good things to happen. Mine started out happy, and believe it or not, I could still say that it ended well. Because the greatest thing I’ve done my whole life, was to make the wish of the person I love come true.  


  1. That was a really nice and sweet story

  2. It made me realize that we need to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones

  3. The story had a concept of the song terrible things. Calpito was able to show how love really is, that it isn't forever but you would realize you could have forever for a moment. It was a story of truth that in life you can't always have a happy ending. Overall, the story was cute yet focused on reality. There's no forever, eventually life would cease to exist.

  4. Thank you Carlo for making me listen to Terrible Things while writing this haha!

  5. The story was really sweet and affectionate. It really makes me believe that love never ends.

    Stephanie Ferrer 9F

  6. Very awesome story. Very detailed. It made me realize true love really exists.
    Queenie Yason 9F

  7. I truly believe that life is a rollercoaster. It is full of ups and downs. "We create our lives a thought at a time. And sometimes, it comes down to changing a thought such as 'Why did this happen to me?' into 'There is a divine plan and there is a reason for this, and my choice is to create the most positive reaction I can." And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
    Louie Maranan 9F

  8. Nicole Sayoc

    The plot of the story reminded me of the song "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade. The story shows that nothing is perfect but there will be these little things that would make a moment memorable; perfect. Additionally, through all the obstacles and challenges; terrible things life gives us we it mustn't stop us from enjoying and taking action to do the amazing things. Lastly we should be thankful for the short forever that we would be able to get.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This story gave us a lesson not to give up on anything because we only have one chance. We have to take risks in life because we never know we can die right now. This story showed us to seize the moment and never to give up life because life is a precious thing and we only have one chance to live it.

  11. It was a very realistic. It shows how life really is and how to deal and get past the things that bother us. The story taught me move on and not to let the bad things affect us badly but us it as an motivation in the future.
    Nicole Herbosa 9F

  12. Death is indeed inevitable. No one can escape it. People leave our lives to open up new doors for other people. Even if it's heartbreaking, but her death taught him a lesson on how to accept the ups and downs of life and that how he should never give up. Being left by someone who is close to your heart is so devastating but we must move on with life and accept what God did to us.

  13. The story was really nice and showed that no matter what as long as two people really love ache other they will do whatever it takes to make the other happy

  14. The story was very touching, showing that love can conquer any barriers, and love is evident in everyone's heart, young or old, sick or healthy, happy or hurting. -Jania Rachel A. Cruz

  15. I really like this story cause its very realistic in every scene. It also shows you that there are up and downs in love and that you should spend your day with them like its your last day. I also like this story cause it teaches to always move on even though it seems like its impossible.
