
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


By Mattheus Marcial 9D CN:26

We were classmates I first saw Bea. It wasn't love at first sight, but I admit that I did take an interest in her. I wasn't confident though so for some time it was just that at most. I don’t remember what specific event made us talk though from whatever it was we talked more and more frequently. We talked about pretty much anything honestly, from what happened in school to past stories but there were still a lot of awkward moments. It was not all good though with a lot of moments gone wrong (mostly by my fault). I can’t say for sure when I first fell in love with her, but "fortunately" my friends knew. With their "help", I was able to give gifts to her until I finally admitted that I like her.  A few years like that passed, my courage grew even more and more until I finally asked her out on a date. I took her to the countryside, in a breezy grassland under the night sky and we just lay down on the grass and talked and talked and talked the night away. It wasn’t over the top, but it felt right. A couple more years of dating and a college degree later, I finally proposed to her. It isn’t a perfect relationship, but it was one that was worth it.

After the proposal would come some of the most hectic months of our lives. From planning the seats, to meeting with the pastor, to reserving Manila Cathedral, it was 6 months of stress and work. It was only until the wedding day where I finally felt all the burdens of the past months fade away. Seeing Bea, the girl I've spent so many years of my life with, walk down the aisle to join me to proclaim our union in front of God and everyone important in both our lives made me feel light-hearted. The reception in Villa Immaculada was a grand celebration with all our friends and our now common family. We then spent the rest of our lives with our 2 children who we treated to be good and kind. It was not the best of marriages, but it was perfectly imperfect.

This project helped me think a little more about not just the future, but also the present and past. What I do now is because of my past and will affect my future. Thinking about this, I must learn from my past to use in the present to help make my future better for not just me, but for others as well. Being married is something very serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Finding someone that you will spend the rest of your life with is not hard but working to be with that person for the rest of your life is and is very worth the trouble. 


  1. The story was nice. It was very well written. Short but nice. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5)

  2. Please paRdon the R's my laptop has a pRoblem. FiRst of all it is a veRy good stoRy they way the wRiteR was able to descRibe the coRRect events you need in the pRoject was well. Also the stoRy was quite Realistic due to the fact that he RequiRed the aid of his fRiends so he could "get the giRl". Also how he inteRpRet the events wheRe he built up the Relationship was veRy intRiguing.

    veRy good stoRy

    Alonzo Gilladoga 9D 19

  3. Very emotional and realistic. Since Mattheus needed help it showed that he would need guidance and it was well written . Lanz Llobrera 9D

  4. this guy i know this guy so i like his story. its nice its creative. events were very emotional. it seems real and its heartfelt . the writer put his heart to the story maybe not all but most, this isnmay or may not be the story that the writer wants for himself so in great and its fun and creative.

  5. This story is really nice because it is real, it actually happened. The story was even well written. It was really well summarized as well. It shows that love can actually at any time and happens everywhere. Lastly, it shows that everyone can and will receive love. This story was really sweet.

  6. This was a story that was very well written and had a very meaningful lesson about being patient.

  7. The story is very nice and we should be more patient and wait for the right time when we love someone. Nice story!
    Migo Bernal 9D

  8. it was a nice story. very short though. there were "amazing" use of sub characters. very realistic and thourough. very well typed. great story

  9. very nice story indeed keep it up Mattheus:)

  10. This story is very nice and realistic. Even though it is short it still explains the story well. Also the story had a very important lesson to be learned.
