
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

“God will take me places”

Monday, October 11, 2010

By: Robee Joy B. Sunga Senior-C

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This saying is so cliché but I like saying to myself that I have made gallons of lemonade already. Life for me isn’t just a routine where things happen just like how I plan it. Gods grace is very evident in my life in ways that he puts me through trials I never knew I’d emerge from and I still come out with my chin up high. I give him back all the praise and glory; and this time, it is my chance to fulfill what he purposed me to do, which is to fulfill my vocation in life. 

I was never like this before, I tend to keep things to myself especially my family problems and when vented out, it was one emotional scene. I always bring harm to myself by trusting people and pouring out my heart on the things I shouldn’t have. Things like these left me weak and scared; it led me to having made wrong decisions early in life and habits I still struggle to avoid. But then going through these things made me stronger, I never regretted any of the things I’ve done because I know that all things work together for good. Instead of dwelling on my mistakes and flaws, I chose to focus more on what lies ahead of me, I stopped worrying about the things that dragged me down and left them all in God’s hands. “He will never leave you nor forsake you”, says the bible and with this I have learned that no matter how life drags you down, no matter how down and out you are and no matter how people turn their backs on you, God will never leave you. He will show you how amazing he is and how he will find ways to show you that his grace and love for you goes beyond your flaws and mistakes. 

Now, I am set to fulfill my goals which are the promises I have made before that I will do my best to succeed in life and make my parents proud; to be able to give them back what they have sowed to me and give them the luxurious life they deserve. Another goal of mine at the moment is to pursue my dream college which is Enderun and be able to finish my education there with high distinctions. And goals for my future such as being a well-known chef here and abroad and marrying the guy I’ve been waiting and been fighting for, Raymund Sanchez II. God will give me the desires of my heart as long as I delight myself in him, says the bible and now I set my heart on the important things like fixing my life and getting it geared up for the future; getting into a good college, doing well, finishing well and eventually giving myself a reward which is getting my love life fixed. 

I have seen myself grow over the past couple of years and I praise God how he molded me to who I am and how he used people to help me find my identity. I was this very impatient person before but now, I’ve been waiting for Raymund for almost 4 years now. It’s not really the relationship but it’s the fact that I’ve waited and still waiting. I am seeing myself grow step by step from working on my patience and waiting to starting to trust people again and allowing them to love me. With that, I am also learning to love myself. Before, I used to wear tons of make-up on, trying to vie for attention. I have been looking for love in the wrong places and it led me astray. I have been struggling to find myself and my identity in this world and I was too blind to see that someone like Raymund found me beautiful in his eyes. He showed me that if he saw me beautiful in his eyes, what more would God, the one who created me. I have learned to be more compassionate to others; I do things for them and go the extra mile. I don’t ever intend to do things for them for the sake of getting something in return but I do it out of love. 

People have inspired me to push through with my situations. I have a mentor who is very dear to my heart and she showed me how life, when you put God in the center of it, will be like a wonderful love story. Miss Chuckie Filamor was my ballet teacher and for me, she is my life’s mentor. Her life inspires me because she lives her life with love and passion. Besides being a great ballet dancer and teacher, she works in our church in Alabang and devotes everyday of her life to God. She is very beautiful and radiant; she is still single and she showed me the value of waiting for the one that God intends you to be with. She showed not only discipline in ballet but also in life and how I should live it with passion and love. I have been called out to dance but now God is leading me more to another passion of mine which is cooking. I have been serving my family and people in our youth ministry, and I think God will take me places with this kind of heart. 

My vocation leads me to establishing restaurants here and abroad and being able to give back to charity by holding charity events for the less fortunate in my restaurants. My mom is a businesswoman who specializes in food technology and meat processing; she influenced me by guiding me in and around the kitchen. My dad is a pastor and he taught me the value of praying for my future. He told me that I should pray to God that he will lead me to the right vocation and that he will use my talents for it. With that, I also prayed to God that he may develop my characteristics to go along with my vocations such as being able to handle pressure, being strong enough to take criticisms and also being an analytical and critical thinker. 

I have been taking time to pray to God about these and I have been following my parent’s advice. I’ve been trying to master techniques in the kitchen and exploring the business of cooking while I watch cooking shows on TV. All of these dreams would never be possible if I didn’t have the support of my parents, my sister, my boyfriend, Ms Chuckie, my counselors and my bible study group. I know that I have professionally succeeded when I know I have exceeded my own expectations and limitations.

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