
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Yeti,My Love"

by: Keith Leonardo 9D

She was out of my league. Way out of my league in fact. A nerdy, 14 year old computer programmer would’ve never had a chance with her. I never expected it was going to end up like this. I was just in high school when I met Yeti. She was introduced to me as a friend of my ol’ pal Carl. We became really good friends. As usual, I showed off my “geeky brilliant” computer skills and made a videogame for her. During my high school life was also the time I had the chance to talk to a girl like that. “The golden age of SirBob” is what I would like to call it. We were college sophomores by the time I first asked her out. On our first date, we went to see a cool action movie. After seven years of dating (and online chatting), I finally had the courage to ask her to marry me.

We decided to get married in Rome because of its holy history.  We got married in the Acerenza Cathedral (Cattedrale dell’Assunzione della B. Maria Vergine e San Canio), dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Saint Canius. Surprisingly, there were over a hundred guests from both of our families. The priest who conducted our wedding was a very nice and inspiring man. He told me to cherish my wife and our relationship for as long as we lived, and I did. We exchanged our vows in front of our families and friends, and we became a happily married couple. Years passed, and I still love her as I did twenty years ago. Every year on our anniversary, we watch the same action movie we watched on our first date, no matter how old it was. Even through the hardships, the troubles and the sicknesses, we never fail to profess our love for each other. The ring we wear in our daily life is a reminder of eternal and infinite love. We are bonded by God, and we would like it to stay that way. 

I am now a proud and happy father of two children, and I love them as much as I love my wife. This project helped me realize the importance of marriage, the everlasting bond between a man and a woman. This is the greatest form of companionship. The Sacrament of Matrimony should not be taken for granted. It should be cherished. It is the sacrament that allows procreation, and the bond and love between a man and a woman. The man should love his spouse and she should love him. Once you are bonded together, do not damage or destroy that bond. Cherish it, improve it and keep it.


  1. Wow bongga! Keith is very smart at math and also a good writer. I hope yeti sees this. I am proud of you keith this story shows an example of a human love relationship and how you put God in your life. Grabe.

  2. Hannah Ortillo 9D
    This made me laugh so hard HAHAHAHA. Cute because Keith is my classmate and Yeti is also my classmate. Also cute because Keith was so embarrased to show everyone his story hehehehe. Loved this story, definitely my fave. Yay keith. 💗💗💗💗

  3. Anna Elicaño 9D
    This is a very heartwarming story! I swooned when he finally asked her out 😍 I'm glad your story includes God in your relationship. Your reflection was very meaningful and it emphasizes that marriage is not about the ceremony: but the promise.

    A message for Keith: no one is out of your league. Those who don't appreciate your geekyness and brilliance are not worth your time. You'll find someone who loves you for your little quirks ☺️

  4. Keith's story was really cute. It was also funny. It's good how they put God first in their relationship. I love the plot. Good lesson

  5. This story was so cute and funny hahaha. Yeti and Keith are my two classmates but I don't think they actually have any history together. I liked how they got married in Rome because of its Holy History. I also liked how he gave it time before he asked her to marry her and did not rush things. I also liked how the story showed the side of the Catholic Marriage and how God bonded them even more.
    Andrea Nierras 9D

  6. Cutest story I Read and funny HAHAH nice one Yeti ;) nice reflection has a nice moral

  7. Mah bruv Keith! Nice story dude! It was very well written and i enjoyed reading it. Keep it up keith!

    Jacob Hinto 9D

  8. This is a very good story. It was funny haha. He always prioritized God first and was very smart. Nice one Keith.

  9. The story was very sweet. I realized that there really is a bond between you and your partner, and that you should not destroy it, but cherish it and keep it. Love really is everlasting, but you shouldn't say it will last forever, because forever doesn't exist.

    Eliza Ogami 9D 28

  10. One of the best stories I read. This story made me laugh because Keith was embarrassed to post this story.

    Jared Banaag 9D

  11. I love this. I love everything about it. It's perfect. Definately one of the best stories I've read. This is awesome.
    Reyes, Katarina S. 9D

  12. This was a really nice story and really fun to read. The story showed how anything can be possible no matter how you look or are. This story was really sweet. Very well written. Good job Keith!

  13. A very inspiring story indeed, we can learn a lot from this story. Love is truly blind, it does not choose the most popular, the good looking but it chooses the ones with a pure heart, it also shows us that there is no such thing as leagues.

  14. I really liked this story. Although Yeti and Keith have no history and probably never will (sorry Keith), it was fun to imagine the two getting married. I like how he wrote that even though she was way out of his league, they still ended up together. I also like how he put God first.

  15. The story was nice. It was very funny. It also taught a very valuable lesson about life. It thought me that anythg can happen in your life.

  16. This is very cute and funny. I like the way he told the story. This story is very realistic. I learned a lot of lessons. This taught me to respect god's life decisions.

  17. The story is amazing! Keith Good Job! Great story! It shows that love is truly blind MIgo Bernal 9D

  18. Wow must've been embarrassing to post this HAHAHA! Rich kid talaga married in Rome wish it could've been Greece though! I'm really glad you included your true personality and God in this story :)

  19. You did a really good job with your story, I bet you got a line ninety as your grade. I'm saying line of ninety because you didn't show other forms of relationship other than platonic and romantic. Your story though, let me repeat, was pretty good. It had what is essential to any story, a good flow. Also, while the idea wasn't the most unique (no offence) because people have used nerds as main characters before in romance stories, you did a good job of recycling a cliché idea and making it a breath of fresh air by adding a bit of more info to the character.

  20. Great story keith! Even though its a but cliché, i do enjoyed reading it. I wish finding someone to be your love one for eternity would be that simple. In reality, finding someone who you truly love is a very challenging phase. There are hundreds of obstacles and misunderstandings during your relationship, but if your love is true, everything will work out fine. No matter the ups and downs that you may encounter, you still love each other. This is a test of faithfulness not only to one another, but also in God as well <3 .

    Tracie Bejar

  21. HAHA OMG KEITH. This is awesome your talent man. The story was awesome you really know how to write huh. It's awesome how people to go extremes to help the ones they love :). In relationships it's hard to go to the ups and downs and still be faithful to each other. Hopefully everyone understands how to treat each other right with the ones they love <3
