
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


By: A.Martin

Iridescent;showing luminous colors that seems to change when seen from different angles.

 It was your typical Saturday afternoon, not so sunny yet not so windy it was just right. I was a college student so I never had the chance to catch a break but every Saturday I can actually have peace and relax at the book store and every single time I'm there I see him; the guy that just wanders around looking for books to read and every time I see him he never fails to catch my eye, I can't help but feel attracted to him like somehow, he's going to be a huge part of my life, and today was the day that everything was about to change, I was going to make the first move and ask him out for coffee or maybe even lunch and I know it sounds weird right? The girl making the first move, I usually don't make the first move but with him everything feels so different as if he was going to change my entire life. So I did end up walking over to him we exchanged a few words and caught a glance of the book he was reading "The Great Gatsby" he had excellent taste in literature, he agreed to have lunch with me soon, I couldn't have been more ecstatic that he agreed to go out with me. It was the morning of the day we were going to go out for lunch I couldn't have been more nervous, I couldn't help but think what if he didn't like me? what if he didn't show, I was a mess and I couldn't stop overthinking everything but he showed and after that we instantly clicked, we'd hang out at the bookstore every Saturday afternoon and go out for lunch afterwards every single time, we became best friends and we were inseparable. 4 years passed and we were still the best of friends, I was graduating from college soon, in two weeks exactly and I couldn't be happier to finally relax and start my life. After I graduated we started hanging out everyday instead of just on Saturday's and I couldn't be more thankful for having a best friend like him in my life. 2 more years have passed and it was the day that was about to change my entire life, being best friends with him for nearly 6 years was hard to believe and I definitely didn't expect it to turn out the way it is now, it was my birthday which just so happened to fall on our regular book store Saturday afternoon ritual which ended up being our tradition after our first year of friendship but he wasn't answering my calls MONOLOGUE 1 and he was ignoring all my texts so I just ended up going by myself to check out some books to read and I stumbled upon the book he was reading when we first met "The Great Gatsby" and I smiled to myself thinking "how did I get so lucky?" so out of pure boredom I ended up reading it, in the middle of the book I noticed a diamond ring which was quite odd because you don't really see those in books, but he was there standing behind me asking me to marry him and I did, and I couldn't have been happier with my decision and that is the story of how I met Angelo Buencamino


  1. This story shows that the most unusual places can be the place where you meet the one. Here in the bookstore, wherein she is the one to ask her out. This shows that no matter what you are, no matter who you are, everyone has a right. This story shows the similar passion of the guy and girl. This tells us that the best relationships comes where both sides shares the same likes.
    Jolo Cansana 9D

  2. This story is well written, it shows that your first friend can be your first lover. Its plot is nice. It also shows how similar they are to each other.

  3. The story is really cute. I like her book taste. Also she discussed the story in great detail. I love the story. Hi Alex

    Willbourn Cabulian 9D 6

  4. The story is adorable because it shows your best friend can be the only person you need in life. Your relationship can envelop and to one another feel different emotions to each other. It's nice since you can learn how in relationships who can balance those you love more. So in conclusion it's a nice story to base from life :)

    Estelle CERUTTI 9D

  5. The story was creative. It was simple. It was touching. It shows how little things can give a big impact or change to ones life. It was a good story
