
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"The best that I can be"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Best CL Project of Rodel S. Joven  Sr. B      

                Whenever a person asks me about what I would be in the future or what would I be doing then. I always ask a question to myself, if ever I’ll be in that position (wherever I maybe in the future) who would benefit from it, is it just me or the many? I ask these questions, because people usually say the letter I over and over, what about the others, where are they? Saying I over and over means that you only think about yourself and doesn’t care about others. For me my future is being the best that I can be in every aspect there is.
            My past helped me become the person that I am now. My past had all the struggles, sufferings, sacrifices, pains I ever had and more. Those were the things I placed in my head as my motivation to look forward to the future and change the direction of my life. The important thing here is all the experiences you went through, whether and tough one or a light one doesn’t matter. We need to live with those experiences to help us find solutions to our problems or better yet a way to prevent problems from happening or happening again. What matters to my life today and will ever be is God, my family and friends. Why God? Because He was the reason why I was born, He created me for a reason also; He is my hope when everything is over. I always put in mind, that God has other plans for me then. 

               My Family because they are the ones who guides me and supports me in everything I do. They know what is good for me and what is not good for me. They help me in times of need. They are there no matter what. No exceptions. Next to my family are my friends, they like a family to me. They do the same things as what my family does. The difference is that even in school or wherever your friends can always try to be with you and you know that they won’t leave you no matter what. The three of them are the ones who really matter of me and will always have a mark on me. Adaptation is one of my very powerful skills that I use whenever I’m situated in a different scenario or group with different people. Adaptation is when you can adapt to a certain thing or be able to fit in; this I can say is one of my strength. All people have his/her own weaknesses and/or limitation, mine is whenever I don’t get something I don’t pay attention to it anymore. I lose my focus at times; just a little distraction makes a big impact on me.
               The most valuable thing I’ve learned so far is taking care of what I have as of the moment. Because nothing is permanent in the world except change which means anything you have as of now can just be taken from you in a matter of a second or even less. It will hurt whenever someone or something you have or close to you would just vanish without you even telling him/her what you really want to tell or without using it properly. You’ll just regret it every single moment of your life. The best thing I’ve done for someone is carrying them back up whenever they’ve been placed down. I don’t want people bringing brought down. Helping the ones who really need help is one of the things I’ve done has most satisfied me because I know that one day someone will do the same thing to me as says in this quote “do unto others what others do unto you”. As of this moment I am still and listening to my inner voice and asking my inner voice what I can be in the near future. As response I’ll be the best that I can be in whatever thing or whatever doing I’ll do. I’ll make the best out of it. Things that won’t just benefit or satisfy me but the thing that will benefit, satisfy and enlighten the many.

                As a conclusion, We should not only thing of ourselves, we shouldn’t be greedy with things, we shouldn’t be just thinking about ourselves all the time but we should also have time to be still and think about others, help those who are needy and be the one who brings someone up whenever they’re done. Whenever you fall down you always have to choices to choose from, to get back up or just stay down. Getting back up means that you don’t want to lose again, you stand for what you want. While staying down means that you’re just giving up you don’t want to try again. This statement is telling us that there are a lot of people that tells you what to do but the only thing they can do is decide for you. So you have the option for doing what you want. I’ll finish my essay with a saying “don’t just think about yourself, think about the others because those others are thinking about you” 

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