
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


by: Paul Ona 9-C 32

     Richard lived a normal life. As a young boy, he would always be at home or exploring the woods in his backyard. He liked to study nature and would often venture deep in the forest to find some peculiar trees which to him were landmarks. He was a fairly obedient child, a good listener and very shy. He only had one friend in the whole neighborhood, the only child his age that insists on chatting with him… his friend’s name was Aileen. During their early teens, Richard and Aileen began talking very often, having private meetings in the local park and what not. After a while, they’re friendship began taking shape, and grew into a romantic relationship. By the time they were in 4th year high school, they were already identified as an inseparable couple, after all having their roots way back to when they were still children. For Richard, Aileen was his world. They would often be seen together and were very happy. Their relationship however, was disapproved by Richard’s parents. The intensity between their fights eventually earned Richard a place of exclusion in the soon to come family vacation. Enraged, Richard cursed them before they left, and planned to make a mockery of them while they were gone, all in a fit of anger. Unbeknownst to him, it would be his very last encounter with them. News came of his family’s road trip, the car slipped over a mountain path and fell. Nobody survived. As soon as he had heard this, Richard’s head rang like a bell. Memories of him and his family flooded his mind, from when he took his first steps up to the day he had an ill received argument with them. His eyes swelled up and denied the reporter and his words. He immediately slammed the door against them and locked himself in his room, his depression lasted for a week until Aileen decided to visit. It was at that moment when he heard a knock, followed by her sweet voice that Richard began to find comfort in. Aileen helped him get through the tragedy, and together they journeyed through life. It was at the eve of the 31’st, December 2026 that Richard proposed to her. Rejoiced followed, and a marriage was arranged at the local church. It was a rushed preparation as they didn’t have a lot of time to freely prepare, they wanted to get married as soon as possible. On that day, April 23, 2027 the marriage took place at the local church. As soon as they entered the reception area, followed by the ballroom they were both greeted with familiar faces, good friends and close to far relatives who have all decided to attend this joyous occasion. Throughout the ceremony, a joyful ambience filled the air and when they exchanged their vows, everybody in the room really did feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The rest of the celebration was joyous, with plenty to eat and drink, and many games and other shenanigans were played. As soon as Richard stepped out the grand door with his lovely newlywed wife beside him, he knew that even though he had faced many hardships in his life, this was one of his best moments, and he would not let anything get in the way of it. Even though he knew that there would be many things to come in the future that would challenge his faith, personality and overall marriage… he realized that he found strength in his wife, and this huge stepping stone will simply be one of many towards the path that God has set for him. That night as he laid in bed with Aileen, he softly clutched her hands together, as they both said to each other, “I love you.” Indeed, Richard might not have lived the perfect life… but it was a good life. 
Reflection: Although the celebration of marriage differs from many cultures and religions, the sacrament of marriage done by the Catholic Church is also a unique testimony of a man and a woman, both children of God being united for his great glory and purpose. As the groom and the bride exchange each other’s vows, they are also symbolizing their commitment to each other and identification as a married couple in the Catholic Church. The rich ambience in which the celebration takes place is also unique as the Holy Spirit abounds to the to-be wedded couple with a glorifying sense of comfort and security within each other’s company. Making this commitment also means, especially for the groom to take care and be loyal to his bride, as for the bride to be loyal and faithful to her husband. It is in the holy essence of these marriages where the celebration flourishes and hopefully, as do to the newlywed’s relationship. 


  1. The story was a very short and simple story but still showed the parts that make a relationship what it is. I liked how he simply made their relationship with conversations in parks etc. I also admired how it wasn't the typical relationship where the parents already accept the guy. Though the way Richard's family died, I liked how Aileen stood by the side of Richard until their marriage.
    Andrea Nierras 9D

  2. The story was a very short and simple story but still showed the parts that make a relationship what it is. I liked how he simply made their relationship with conversations in parks etc. I also admired how it wasn't the typical relationship where the parents already accept the guy. Though the way Richard's family died, I liked how Aileen stood by the side of Richard until their marriage.
    Andrea Nierras 9D

  3. This gave me feels because even when Richard looks like he lost everything, Aileen was there to keep him company. 10/10 Lanz Llobrera 9D

  4. The story was very cute and descriptive. It's nice and it's good that they involved God in their relationship. They set a good example to future couples. It's a simple relationship, but it's great. Aileen and Richard really do love each other.

  5. I like this story. Although it kinda rushed i like the simplicity and the love. I like how Richard defended aileen and stuck with her even though it was against his own parents. It was nice how in his darkest moment she was able to pick him up and bring comfort into him. Good Job!

  6. The plot is interesting and well written. The first part is sad, but also realistic. Sometimes people will reject, but that doesnt mean that you should give up. This story shows that even in troubling times, you can still find happiness when you love someone. All in all i think this story is uplifting and great. :)

  7. I like this story. Although it kinda rushed i like the simplicity and the love. I like how Richard defended aileen and stuck with her even though it was against his own parents. It was nice how in his darkest moment she was able to pick him up and bring comfort into him. Good Job!
    Felix Liwanag 9D

  8. Dude, your last sentence was something that made me feel teary eyed. Sorry, I digress, um, so your story is really nice and I wish everyone had the same story going for them. Your story was different, unique, in the way that it was in the guy's point of view and he was actually in love. Plus, his last sentence, I must say, I loved it! Also, well, that the girl was his world, you don't hear that a lot and a guy who would be loyal after so long too. Those make your story unique.Although, it does have a little issue with grammar, but aside from that it's a nice story and I like it that way.
    Gabrielle A. Lacson 9-D

  9. Sometimes, the people who should be there for you need not to be of blood. I'm happy that they eventually ended up together in marriage. This story was short but the words used were enough to convey the message. Good job! :)
    Lianna Cabigas 9E
