
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Indecision: Time for contemplation

By: Angelica Ilustre Senior D

Most teenagers at this age have set a particular goal in their lives for themselves. It may have been a dream that they have just discovered they wanted, or it may have been something they have always wanted to pursue. But among many teenagers, there are some, who unfortunately, remain quite undecided. I am one of those people. 

Throughout my life I have never given myself particular time to ponder over what career path I would take in the future. Every year, it would be the same answer: “It’s still pretty early to decide.” But the time has now come for me to make a very crucial decision: a decision that may not only change the course of my life, but also change the course of others. 

My parents instilled within myself the ideology that failure only leads you closer to success. I have gone through experiences proving that this is so. We go through tribulations throughout our lives, and for a moment, we are discouraged. But as more problems came, I learned that these serve as a motivation to make us push harder to reach our goals and achieve what we want. It also taught me the value of God in my life. He was merely someone I used to talk to as a child, not knowing His full grace and majesty. But as I grew older I saw how much the role of God affects our lives. Not only does he affect our lives, He is the reason why we live. Because of these realizations, I gave importance to perseverance and trust in God. These virtues are few of the many I have learned to value, until today. These values allow me to strive harder and farther. 

Nobody is perfect, they say. Our limitations allow us to set within ourselves a standard. Personally, I try to aim higher every time I reach that standard. What matters most to me is my relationship with God, and so I put Him first in every decision I make. It is a difficult task, since we are only human, but that is the challenge He gave us. I am a go-getter, and so I am willing to take on that challenge, among many others that God has, and plans to let me face. Another thing I value is my family, particularly pleasing my parents. They have supported me all my life and so I wish to make them proud, and I want to be able to do this not only through my academic or extra-curricular achievements, but to show them that they are raising a good person. A person they can be proud of. I think that my limitations do not matter in doing what I want because it is the effort we put into things that will make a difference. I think that I can do my best in every aspect in my life as long as I commit to it. Anyone is capable of doing their best. Even if we cannot do everything, doing something with commitment and heart can create a big change. These limitations that we have aren’t a road block. It’s something to remind us of humility: another virtue I find very significant in my life today.

I have taken many opportunities, and have given some up. But with all the opportunities I have taken and the experiences I have gained, there is only one recurring thing that not only satisfies, makes me happy, and at the same time enlightens me and renews my faith and love for God: It is helping and making others happy.

I am still undecided with my future profession, but seeing that my parents are both involved in entrepreneurship, I am being led to that career path as well. But I want to be able to incorporate my passion in the future business I will make: A service that could also benefit others, not only me. I want to be self-employed and be a good leader and a good influence. I want to become that person who will give people brand new opportunities, and create change in our society today. Contemplating on the possibilities makes me committed to striving hard to achieve this. I think that in order to achieve success, I must be able to make others happy as well. We do not live only for ourselves. Our ultimate purpose in life is to be of service to others and to God. I plan to keep this value in the future, when I finally do have a clear idea of the business I want to pursue. I want to use my gifts from God and share them. 

I now see the significance of time, of effort, and my significance in the world. Although it is not as clear, there is something there. I plan to discover what lies ahead in the future for me, and what I can do to make a true person out myself and my future career.

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