This story is a great one because it applies to our situation right now. It can also serve as an inspiration for us to make an extra step to help those in need. The gospel is also a concrete example of the 1st Beatitude which is, “Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Even after they both died, the rich man still wanted Lazarus to serve him because he thought that he was still above Lazarus; that he had authority over him. It was like the table was turned when they died, Lazarus was now sitting beside God and the rich man was in pain and agony.
I also think that Lazarus’ brothers wouldn’t follow the words of Moses and the prophets because as Abraham said in the story, “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.”
This gospel passage is challenging me to take the extra step and help our brothers and sisters in need. A concrete example of this would be joining outreaches that student organizations have, and just helping out.
Finally, if I were in the shoes of Lazarus and the rich, I wouldn’t be as greedy. I would be open to everyone who are in need. The rich man should have invited Lazarus to dine with him and Lazarus should’ve prayed for the rich man when they died, so that the rich man would also end up in heaven.
Jesus is already helping us get to heaven, but why are we rejecting his invitation? We should accept it with open arms because GOD ROCKS!!
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