
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"ATC Starbucks"

Jemima Racal of 9F (CN : 29)

First day of school, School Year 2014-2015. The first day that I met you. When I first looked at you, you caught my eye. There was something in you that really got my attention. Was it your charming looks? Or your gorgeous eyes? I think it’s the way you smile. Your smile is exquisite. It can make the whole room brighten up. The bell rang signaling us to go inside the room. Our adviser made us introduced ourselves and you were the first one to be picked. You said you were James Allas. Based from the way you talk, it seems that you’re a nice guy. I really wanted to be close to you. While walking with my friend at the Art building, I saw an ID on the floor. I picked it up and I was shocked to see whot the owner was. It was you. My friend teased me that we were meant to be because of all the people in the school who could’ve lost their ID, and of all the people who could’ve pick it, it was I. The next day, I returned it to you and you flashed a smile and said thanks. I was so happy that day. No one could take the smile off my face. One day, our adviser decided to change our seating plan because our class was noisy. Luckily, you were seated next to me. I felt like the happiest girl alive. But the problem was, that I don’t know how to break the ice. I was a very shy girl and I don’t know what to do. Good thing you were friendly and talkative. You would talk to me everyday asking me about my life and me returning the questions. We became very close. You would always text me everynight and every morning. One day you invited me to come with you to see a movie. I was so happy. I picked my most beautiful clothes and fixed my self. You said to meet you in front of starbucks at ATC, 2pm sharp. I’ve waited for you there. Minutes have passed. Minutes then turned into hours. I was really heartbroken. I texted you but you didn’t reply. The next day I didn’t talk to you. You said you were sorry. That something came up. I believed you because I know you were telling the truth. You said you’d make it up to me so you gave me a stuffed bear. You said that I could always think of you before I go to sleep. People taught that we are in a relationship but you said that we were only best friends and that you like someone else. I was really hurt but I know it’s my fault. So I tried to move on. Valentine’s day was approaching and you asked me to help you court Angela ArcaƱo. Me, being the masochist that I was, agreed. Even though it was really heartbreaking to see the both of you happy, I still decided to be your bestfriend. My friends call me stupid because I know I’m just hurting my self. But I don’t want to let you down. Years passed, and you became distant from me. You were too busy with your girlfriend that you forgot me, your bestfriend. We entered college in the same university, we sometimes bump into each other but you didn’t even bother to say hi. One day, we were assigned to be partners in our thesis. After many years, you finally talked to me. It was awkward at first but eventually we became friends again. After a few months, I sensed something weird about you. You were sweeter to me. One day during Valentine’s Day, you confessed your feelings to me. I said that my feelings never changed and that I really love you. Since then we were inseperable. You started courting me, and after a few months I said yes. After our graduation in college, you asked me to go to a restaurant. When I went inside, I was surprised because it was dark. Then a spotlight was pointed at you. You serenaded me. The way you sang made me fall inlove with you even more. You picked something from you backpocket and opened it. Inside was a diamond ring, you then asked me a question that I was waiting my whole life. “Will you marry me?” I said yes. I was crying of pure happiness. It was the bestest day of my life.

We decided to get to have 2 weddings. One here in the Philippines, at Fernbrook Gardens and one in Maldives. We decided to visit Fernbrook Gardens to see the place. It was huge. Our wedding planner asked us about our motif, she made us taste the food and the likes. A month before our wedding the priest talked to us. He said “Be Completely Humble And Gentle; Be Patient, Bearing With One Another In Love. Make Every Effort To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit Through The Bond Of Peace.” (– Ephesians 4:2-3) We kept that in mind and we also promised to put God in the center of our relationship. One week before the wedding and we were so excited, we checked the venue, flowers, food and escpecially the cake. We hired photographers and videographers to our wedding. My maid of honor was my long time bestfriend, Bea Aguilar and our bestman was his brother.Our first wedding happened on March 28, the day when he proposed to me. As I walk down the aisle, the singer started singing our weddng song. “Hi
,Girl you just caught my eye.
Thought I should give it try 
And get your name & your number….” I saw that you were crying. I was crying too. My dad then offered his arm and we continued walking down the aisle. On the end of the aisle, I hugged my father real tight. I also hugged my mother. My dad said to you, “Take care of my daughter for the rest of your life.” He then hugged you and patted you on the back. You offered your arm and I took it. We exchange vows and wore our rings. "By the power vested in me,I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride ". I looked at the people in the crowd. Everyone was happy for us. Especially my love ones, mom, dad and my whole family. After that we traveled to Maldives and had our 2nd wedding there. It’s seems surreal. It’s like my whole world stopped. I was indeed the happiest and luckiest girl in the world. It’s like you were the missing piece in my heart. You were the ying to my yang. My other half. I wouldn’t wish for anyone better to spend the rest of my life with other than you. You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine. The day after our wedding in Maldives, I made you promise that you wouldn’t love any other girl besides me. You said “I can’t promise you that. How about our daughter? Hahaha” I still remember the memories that we shared, the firsts that we had. Our first kiss, first hug, first travel together etc. It still feels like yesterday even though that 10 years have passed. But even though 10 years have passed, my love for you is still as great as we were back in high school. It never lessened but it only grew more and more now that we have our own children. As of know I am proud to say that, we can prove that there is such thing as forever.

This project helped me open my eyes about human relationships and marriage. We should know that every realtionship faces problems, but with the help of God, we can fix it. We should also go with the flow. God knows what’s best for you. People always say that if you’re really meant to be, then fate and destiny will always find a way to make your ends meet. So if you are having a bad time with your partner, you should always pray to God and put Him at the center of your relationship. Marriage is a very serious thing and we should not play around with it. We should only do it if you think he/she is “The One”. Marriage is a commitment that can’t be undone. We should only do it if we’re very very sure. Many people are suffering right now because they committed to the wrong person. They thought that they were kind, loving etc. but they were wrong. I learned that we should really know your partner by heart, so that you may lessen misunderstandings and problems in the future. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This story is a good example because of this. This story shows how true love can really bring people together. This story also shows how two people can really stay together through true love. This story also shows how true commitment through one another can really make your relationship prosper. This story overall shows how you can have a perfect relationship through the guidance of God.

  3. This is a great story on marriage. This story is explains how beautiful marriage could be. It inspires people to always have faith in God. It makes people believe they will live a great life. Overall, this story is great and shows how marriages affects us in a good way

  4. This is such an inspiring story. This story tells others to never loose faith in God. This story is a fairytale that became true. There will be some hardships in having a relationship and in being married but the results will always be positive. This story is a perfect example of a perfect married life. This story is a must read!. If it is meant to be then it will be!. Overall , this story is so inspiring and touching. This is a story that others really must read.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is an amazing story. I also find it very inspiring. It the perfect example of a married life. I wish this was actually possible in real life. Lastly, I like how the author quoted something from the Bible. It really suited the whole mood/ aura of the story.
    Reyes, Katarina S. 9D

  7. I really liked this story. It was long and descriptive, but not at all boring or dragging. This story shows that if two people are really meant for each other, no matter what or who gets in the way, they'll find each other.

  8. this is a very nice story. it shows how to not give up no matter what. it is a really realistic story which can actually happen. it is very interesting well worth the read. it is really inspiring.

  9. This such a nice story. It really gives advice to those in a relastionship no. I really like this story!It is so inspirong. You are such a good writer and you wrote such an amazing story.

    1. Sir clyod Carlo Castillo 9-E posted the first post by steve man and this one also
