
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

“My Prince Charming”

By: Justine Litam 

I met him during first grade, he was my seat mate and I introduced myself " Hi i'm Justine ". He introduced himself after I introduced myself " Hey I'm Prince" he said in the tone that you can slightly notice that he was shy. When lunch came I noticed that he was not eating and I asked him " Why aren't you eating?" He said " I forgot my lunch at home". I grabbed my sandwich and gave it to him and said " here eat this" he smiled and said " Thanks". We talked for a short while and we became friends. We went back to the classroom and I introduced him to my best friends Tracie and Will. He introduced me to his best friend Juams. Soon we started hanging out all together.

When 1st year of high school came, a lot changed since we were first grade. Prince got more attractive than he was during first grade. He was no longer shy. He belonged to the football team and hung out with the popular group. I started to like him and I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw him. We would sometimes say hi to each other but we weren't as close as we were when we were in first grade. After the second trimester, Prince did not go to school for a long time. 

There was a rumor that he had ebola because he went to Africa with his dad. But after two months, Prince went back to school. There was something different about him. He looked pale, his eyes were often staring into space. He looked dirty and his hair was uncombed. He did not talk to anyone. Then something strange happened. One by one, my classmates did not go to school. By the end of the second semester, I and Prince were the only ones present. Even though he looked dirty, he was still attractive. Sometimes, I would catch him staring at me. 

I started talking to him and we became close again. We would often study together. At night, we would chat in Facebook. Then, one by one, my classmates returned. They all looked the same as Prince. Even the vain girls looked ugly and dirty. I was the only one who looked different. One day, while I was in the comfort room, two of my classmates entered. They started talking about wanting to eat me. I heard sam say, "Justine looks so yummy. Every time I smell her, I want to bite her fingers." Cassie replied, "I know right. She's the only one left. And its amazing that she's clueless that we're all zombies!" Justine was so shocked to learn that all her classmates had become zombies. When Sam and Cassie left, she run out of the bathroom because she was so afraid. Accidentally, she bumped into Prince. Prince grabbed herby the shoulders and asked, "Why are you running? You looked so scared." Justine started crying. She said, "You're a zombie! All of you are zombies!" Prince asked, "how did you find out?" Justine answered, "I heard Sam and Cassie talking about how they would like to eat me. I wonder why nobody attacked me?" Prince looked at me for a long time. Then he said, "Nobody attacked you because I told them all to stay away from you because I didn't want you to become a zombie." I asked, "Why not?" Prince said, "Because I love you. I loved you since the day you shared your sandwich with me. I don't want you to become a zombie like us." I didn't know what to say. I also loved Prince. Then, I took his hand and told him, "I love you, too. So much that it hurts. I don't mind becoming a zombie if that's what it takes to be with you." Prince looked at Justine and said, "No, I will never let you be a zombie. I will protect you forever." 

When graduation came, everyone in school, including the teachers, had become zombies. Prince kept his promise to protect me. Then, finally he asked me to marry him. I told him we were too young and we still had to go to college. Prince said he would wait. After college, everyone in the country became zombies even my parents. I was still human because Prince hid me in his room. I begged him to make me a zombie so that I would not need to hide anymore. Besides, I also missed my family and I wanted to see them. 

On my 25th birthday, Prince surprised me by proposing to me. He gave me a huge engagement ring. I told him I would marry him but only if he makes me a zombie first. That night, he bit me and ate my fingers. He left one finger so that I could still wear my engagement ring. I was so happy. After I recovered from being a zombie, Prince and I visited my parents and told them about our wedding plans. They were so happy for us. They advised us that married life is not all pleasure but it also comes with responsibilities. We assured them that we were ready to start a family. We took counseling and hired planners to plan our wedding. We went to our church and talked to our priest about the dates available for our marriage. Five years have now passed, Prince and I are now married proud parents of two zombie kids. 

Reflection- I learned that Marriage takes a lot of steps and preparations. It also takes patience if the one you is really the one for you. I also learned that Marriage isn't all about pleasure but it takes faithfulness and responsibility as a couple. I am glad that this project was made because it can give us moral lessons about the Sacrament of Marriage and the preparations we have to prepare for this sacrament.


  1. The story was fine but the zombies didn't have to be included. The story at the beginning was great but once the Ebola and the zombies became part it didn't seem realistic. The story would've deen better if the zombies and Ebola weren't part of her story.

    Jared Banaag 9D

  2. "MY PRINCE CHARMING" By Justine Litam

    This is a very unusual story.

    Justine's imagination is very wide and extensive. She shows the joy, sorrow, irony and difficulty of love in a very creative manner that not everyone would dare to present it in. The first meeting of the two main characters was a little cliché, yet very sweet and romantic with its own sense of originality. She also has some original romantic scenes within the story.

    The sudden appearance of zombies is... controversial. We do not know the basis for where the zombies came from so it would cause confusion with the readers. Next time, instead of focusing on plot twists, also focus on consistency within the story. The readers will be able to appreciate it more that way.

    In addition to this, Justine has to take note of some grammatical errors.

    All in all, it is an interesting story, but it could use a few edits with the plot. It is a good start for Justine if she decides to continue writing.

    --Dorothy Bayang 9D 3

  3. Nice one Justine!!! I love the two zombie children!!! OMG!!! You're so creative!!! I love it!!!

    Willbourn Cabulisan 9D 6

  4. It's very unique. The story was okay but it didn't seem realistic at all. The beginning was cute but when Ebola and zombies were mentioned it became too fake. But if that's her dream love story then it's fine. :)

    -Bea Aguilar 9D CN:1

  5. I thought your story was really great!

  6. Unusual and creative. Would have been better without the zombies, it isnt necessary. It just went from cool and realistic to wild.

  7. Justine nice story !! I liked the first part then came the zombie part.
    Hahaha LOL!! - Nico Tagle 9-F

  8. It was creative but it wasn't believable, how can she not know her whole class was full of zombies somehow you would notice. For me, she shouldn't have added zombies anymore.

  9. It was creative but very fictional. There was a twist in it when you put zombies and Ebola in it. But it was a cute story, you can do more stories but maybe more realistic.

  10. The story was going okay until you added Ebola and zombies to it, an unexpected twist but still not a great one at that, good job though

  11. it was okay lang cos we can't relate to it much, kinda weird to add zombies haha sry, good job tho

  12. Well this story itself is special, but it was nice. Not realistic but very creative.

  13. This story is very unusual. The plot is unique. Great combination of love and zombie apocalypse. I didn't expect to have zombies in the story. This can be the start of the apocalypse in the walking dead.

  14. Ummm good job, the effort is commendable. It is a unique story

  15. The ebola, zobies and the finger biting part kind of disturbed me a bit but her story was very creative and unique so props to her for that. Its just that some parts made me uncomfortable but it was alright i guess.

  16. It was very creative

    Your imagnaiton is ry wide and wild, and that's a good sign! Very different, but if thisis how you write stories then that's what you should continue :) As long as you feel comfy and writing it feels natural you should be proud of it.

  17. This was a very unique and different story. It gave a twist to the usual boy meets girl. Now it's girl meets zombie. It showed tru perseverance and love. Great job!

  18. The story was creative. It was simple. It was touching. It shows how little things can give a big impact or change to ones life. It was a good story

  19. This story is interesting to read but unrealistic. Nice job, though! :)

  20. The story is very unique and has a cute romantic sense to it. The zombie part wasn't that needed though, but it turned out fine :)

  21. The story is very unusual. The zombies make it very weird. Although the zombie part is very weird, the story was okay. Good effort in making the story. Very creative and funny in a way -piolo tumaneng

  22. The story is very unusual but in a good way. I like the creativity in writing your story. However, I think the zombie and ebola part was a bit weird. Nonetheless, love the story!! Good job!!

  23. TThe effort here is very evident, and is well appreciated. However, I encountered some problems in the story in a grammatical sense because the perspective on the story suddenly changed,which confused me. The story also touched on some very sensitive topics such as Ebola which honestly, isn't the best plot device. Other than that, the sequence of events was quite simple to understand. Hopefully this can help when making another story such as this.

  24. The story was very creative but when the zombie and ebola came in, it became unrealistic.

    - Clarence Cambas 9E

  25. This story was really cute but the zombies biting fingers were a bit too much :) although it was still really interesting to read! :)

  26. Cool story. The story is very similar to Warm Bodies, the zombies have emotions, there is love, the zombies aren't a threat, But the origin of the zombies is a mystery, the story is too sudden, too quick, scientifically inaccurate (ebola does not turn people into zombies.). In situations such as zombies occupying a country, quick government reactions are usually done, such as deploying military forces. I found the bathroom scene really funny and weird though cause of the dialogue hahaha. The missing fingers will give me chills though, a person with only one finger is so scary. Overall, this could be also be a nice Anglo-American short story that Ms Dina would surely enjoy. :)

  27. It would've been better if the zombies weren't included but over all it was good.

  28. It was creative with the zombies and all. It shows how the life of one continues to journey despite all the trouble that may occur. But the story is not that unique.

  29. Nice story the only thing that disturbed me was the ebola,zombies and the finger eating part. But overall i like this story and justine has a very creative mind adding the ideas for her story. Some parts didn't seem realistic in some parts but the start on how she met him is most commonly found in love stories but very touching.

  30. This was a very interesting story. It was quiet disturbing after the whole zombie thing. However it still showed the relastionship between the characters. It was okay in my opinion. Good job.

    -Carlo Castillo 9-E
