
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Ariel and John"

Arielle Marie D. Lanot 9-C                                                                              February 25, 2015
Submitted to:  Sir Cloyd Uyson                                                      

                           “These Grains in the Sandbox”

     The Spiegelman family tried to live the best life that they could have and they did.

They are one of the most happiest families that God has ever created. Love had built the most creative and extraordinary;  and a unique bunch of people who had spent their lives committing to each other and no other thing could break their chain. It was very pleasing to see. Every love and pain all mixed up to create something unexpected.  But a mountain wouldn’t be complete without the highest part; as well as the downside. It’s like they’ve been living in a massive sandbox that anything could be built, anything could happen too.

    A girl named Ariel Dunne was a very adventurous yet quirky young woman whom everyone wanted to be friends with. At the age of 17, with almost everything on her side, she didn’t expect that she would miss one person. A guy named John Romeo Spiegelman who’s on the same age, is a very quiet yet an absolute singing legend to his very own ears. Ariel Dunne was the only girl who would dare to hear heartfelt words from a lone wolf who had been hiding for years. Quickly, they’ve become the best of friends. Ariel would often pick John to be her partner in adventures that no one had tried before. John had his feelings on hold when this one trip have met his timing. In an abandoned farm house far away from home yet not far from life, with the two bestfriends alone in the early sunrise, they made themselves comfortable on the flat grass outside the abandoned house. With John’s hands on his guitar’s strings, and since Ariel is comfortable with him, she too had been hiding until now, she sang while he strummed the guitar. All their emotions are released for the world to hear. Their feelings for each other had been felt too, but for themselves to keep. 

Days have passed and they had become closer than before, they had helped each other by opening each other’s eyes and brought each other’s title as boyfriend and girlfriend. Weeks have passed, they were inseparable. They show their love for each other very intimately. All the hugs turned into accidental brushing of lips, then turned into passionate kisses. It became their everyday greeting. Months have passed and their dreams are slowly starting progress. John’s songs are paying off and are being admired as well as Ariel’s books, or should I say, journals. A lot of people loved her books because they are full of honest words and reality. Virginity also got lost. 6 years passed, from 16 to 22, they were the next big thing. John Romeo Spiegelman started recording in the studio with some popular music celebrities, while Ariel Dunne, on the other hand, had interest in acting, her first debut as a lead role landed that year and her performance was jaw-dropping. She some other movie roles and lots and lots of people are looking forward to it. 

They were both superstars. From 22-24, 2 years later, when a heartbreaking news shocked the whole world. John Romeo Spiegelman got involved in a car accident. He lost his hearing and he broke his wrist (which is absolutely sad for a guitar player and a well known singer) . He needed surgery which costs a lot of money. So Ariel worked hard and earned money for him while he stopped working on music for 3 years. So after all the work Ariel had done, she finally has the money for his surgery. They were already 27. Time passes by really fast. So weeks after his surgery, he decided to take things up a notch and asked her if she could marry him. Of course she said yes. John restarted his career and made everything bigger. They were magnificently almost the perfect couple to a lot of people. Then later on, they got married and they had 2 kids, girl and boy, Margo and Adrien Spiegelman. 

One night, the kids are already asleep. But Ariel and John talked about how unique their life was. It was indeed unexpected and magical. It’s like they’re re-reading each other’s old text messages. 
It’s amazing how time races you and you don’t give up on the track. I always said that I’m in love with the places I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met. And he always said that it’s almost like we were strangers to each other everyday and we get to be ourselves but we never knew how come we get interested to each other while the clock ticks around. I guess we chose a path with zigzags,tunnels and as well as intersections. These grains in the sandbox can prove to you that love can be shaped into something  amazingly weird.                       


  1. Good job Ariel! The plot is very good and well written. The characters is good. The twists is good. And ideas from CL is clearly seen-Andre 9C

  2. Arielle's story is very serious and creative. You can see all the effort she placed. It has so much emotion and love in it. Arielle really shows the passion in what she wrote. It's nice and lovely. Everything makes sense. I learned that is indestructible no matter what.

    -Gelo, 9C

  3. 9C
    Eon Buendia

    The story was quite adorable, on how they ended up being together with music and such. Even though there were a few unneeded sayings in the story, *cough losingthevirginityorsomething *cough it was still very nice. The development between the two characters was executed well. And the end of the story where Arielle worked to help John fix his broken wrist was a heart warming touch. Over all, good lessons, and good story.

  4. This story is very well constructed. The plot is nice and the author put a lot of thought into it. The love written in between the lines is very evident and the love the author has for this boy is very strong. Even though there were some things in the story that did not need expounding, it's okay. The character development is good and I like them and I enjoyed the ending

    Annika Bengzon 9C

  5. Arielle! Great story and said in a very descriptive and narrative way. This is the reason why you read novels, Hahaha! Great story and good use of character names. This can be a short story one day of love. Good job and hope to read more.
    - Serrano, Jen ( 9C )

    1. why is the name ryu kono and it says jen?

    2. deal with it 😎😎😎

  6. I like the story because it was really touching. I like it also because it shows how much the girl loves the guy. How they are really perfect for each other. This story taught me how to love a person very much.
    -kiana dacanay

  7. This story is so touching. This great since it shows the love of the girl for the guy. This makes whem perfect for each other. Great job
    -Ryu Kono 9-C

  8. I liked this story. I enjoyed reading it. It's amazing how love can be shown in different ways. It's also cool how 2 people are brought together. Nice story -Gillian Ellar 9C

  9. The story was very well thought of. You could really feel the love around it. I liked the plot and how it was written. It's so touching and sweet. The story was very cute.

  10. The story was very sweet. The words in the story really helped make the story sound better. The events of the story was well written. It was really nice to read. The whole story felt romantic.

  11. The story was really nice and I love how the couple connected and it shows us readers what a perfect love life is, and maybe it has its ups and downs like a real love story. I like how its very realistic and heartfelt.

  12. I really liked the story. You could really feel the connection of the two. Good job Arielle for making such a good story. It was really realistic and it was like a real story. The story is really good, I would recommend for others.

  13. It was a good story very realistic and well thought you can really see all the effort the author put into this story however some things were unnecessary to be mentioned it is still a moving story

  14. The story was heart warming it shows true love because no matter what happened to the couple they were able to surpass the challenges and stay together. Its realistic also because it shows that you cant rush true love, because the right one at the right time will come.

  15. In this story, the power of true love was shown. With true love, you will be able to conquer all your challenges with your loved one. I've learned in this story.

  16. I really enjoyed your story. There was a lot of symbolisms in it that made it so special. The details put into the story are very nice and made my heart warm. The characters, Ariel and John, also have really great chemistry. I was glad that it wasn't like those typical love stories that starts with love at first sight. Your story is really cute and I wish I would be able to experience a love like the ones you gave your characters~

    -Layla Sevilla 9A

  17. This story is very inspiring, since it shows the determination to remain faithful to one another despite challenges that come in life. The plot is very well done since the story also talks about tragedies that come with marriage. The characters are likeable and relatable. Their adjacent interests allowed them to be successful in life. Keep up the good work Arielle!
