
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


By: Chelsea Baradas

I, as a person, am not attracted to someone because of their looks. It is always attitude that matters when getting into a relationship with someone. They have to be kind, nice , honest and have a good sense of humour. My ideal courting phase would begin with him slowly getting closer to me as  a friend first. He should try to get to know me as a person, as a friend before we would go any further. He will prove that he’s trustworthy and then I will begin to open up to him about my life and he would do the same.

Somehow, we are gonna begin to date as couple. With both of us being there for each other when we have our highs and lows.On each others birthdays, we would surprise each other with food and many corny jokes. They would be filled with laughter and joy. He would enjoy music the way I do, or at least pretend to, and humour me when I’m in one of my singing moods and sing with me, no matter how terrible our voices may be. And I would also learn to enjoy whatever hobby he loves, may it be sports, comic books, video games,etc. I would make an effort to enjoy them as well.

Like all couples, we will fight. But at the end of the day, at the end of all the arguing and crying we will figure things out because our relationship will be stronger than any fight that we would have. Our relationship would be able to last and it would come out stronger. Though we would be a couple the friendship would still remain, and he would always be one of my best friends. Because before we even got together, we were friends first and friends we would always be, no matter what. We would able to tell if the other is truly alright with one look because we would know each other that well.

After many years, after college we would move in together. Even though we may be both be tired and cranky by the time we would get home, we would still make the effort to smile. I would cook for the both of us while he would wash the dishes. On the weekends, we would make and effort to do the laundry and keep the house clean. We would also watch many tv shows together as well as movies.

After few years, he would propose to me. He would do it in the sweetest and most unique way he could think of and I would say “Yes,” and probably start crying see as he understands that deep inside I am a real softie. Then we would get married maybe a year or months after, nothing too grand and fancy.

By the time we would be 30, I would give birth to my first child. We wouldn’t really care for because we would love our child no matter what. We may still fight when we would be married but as we would when we were dating, we could resolve and come out stronger. A few years after my first child I would give birth to the next one and we would still treat him or her with all the love and care we did with the first child. We would probably have a third child as well. 

As parents, we would treat our children with all the love and care in the world. We would encourage them to be the best they can always be and how to stand up for themselves. We would encourage them to develop any of the skills they are interested in. We would try to be the best parents we could possibly be. 


When given the task to write about your version of the ideal marriage and courting/dating phase it’s not really the easiest thing to do. Especially when you become parents because when you do you are no longer thinking just for yourself but for your children lives as well. I’m not sure what the future holds for me regarding this topic but I hope and pray that it would end well. It doesn't really matter if my ideal version really happens, it just matters that what the God has planned for me.


  1. Athena Malantic 9D

    Chelsea's story was really good. It taught me a lot of lessons about love. It was so inspiring. People should read this story because it's not just about love, it's about doing the right thing.

  2. I really like this story. It shows the typical love life. Starting with friendship, then flourishing to a beautiful relationship, then finally marriage. It portrays that not all relationships are perfect you can fight bu in the end love triumphs all. I also really liked thta she treated both of her children with equal unending love.
    -Felix Liwanag 9D

  3. I think it was nice how Chelsea is/was attracted to the personality of the boy before anything else. It is important to understand that relationships aren't about money or looks or anything else but the true love you both feel. It was nice how she also included that they would fight from time to time. Relationships aren't perfect anyways so it is important that you go through some struggles to understand each other even more. It is important that the couple really understands each other to know that they love each other truly.
    Andrea Nierras 9D

  4. I think it was nice how Chelsea is/was attracted to the personality of the boy before anything else. It is important to understand that relationships aren't about money or looks or anything else but the true love you both feel. It was nice how she also included that they would fight from time to time. Relationships aren't perfect anyways so it is important that you go through some struggles to understand each other even more. It is important that the couple really understands each other to know that they love each other truly.
    Andrea Nierras 9D

  5. The story iis beautiful in its simplicity and its earnesty. I think that loving a person for who she or he is on the inside rather than physical appearance is important in building a sturdy and life-long relationship. Chelseas love for her husband blossomed slowly and gradually as it should. Media today so often romanticizes dangerous and exciting passion that we forget it's a love like Chelsea's that makes the world beautiful. It is a love that perserveres through the trials and challenges of life that truly warms us from the inside and draws us closer to God. Chelsea's fruitful, faithful and firm love in her husband was an excellent example of what a marriage is, an eternal promise to love someone no matter what.

  6. The story was very nice! Generally the story seemed perfect. It showed many feelings and the story was very creative and was complete :)

  7. This story is very beautiful since it shows how a relationship starts out and how couples act towards each other like singing and listening to music. But showed even though you fight and quarrel you will always forgive each other in the end no matter what. But also shows Chelsea's love for her husband is so strong that she will do anything for him.
