
"ArrozCaldoForTheHeart"Arroz caldo is a hearty Filipino congee/"lugaw" and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl that's a perfect rainy time meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). Like this famous blend of culture dish, this blog aims to share Christian Living inputs such as insights or opinions, original stories and the like from the compilations of the projects of his students for the past decade. May these readings sooth the sunken soul, tired heart and stressed body.

Monday, June 8, 2015

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
Christian Living Unit

Third Year AY 2015-2016

Homework in Introduction to Morality

Direction:  Write/type/encode your answers in the comment portion of this page.  Before your answers, write the following (Use this format): Family name, First name and Section.  Each item is worth 2 points.  You don't need to research for your answers.  Prior knowledge is enough.

1.  What is morality?
2.  What is Christian morality?
3.  Is being a Christian a requirement for a person to live a 'moral' life?
4.  Give at least 3 factors (ex:family upbringing, etc) that may strongly influence or trigger for a person to live a moral life? Explain briefly.
5.  What can you say about the 3 dimensions of faith: Doctrine, Moral and Worship?
6.  What do you mean by responsible freedom?  Give one brief concrete example.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
Christian Living Unit

Third Year AY 2015-2016

Homework in Introduction to Morality

Direction:  Write/type/encode your answers in the comment portion of this page.  Before your answers, write the following (Use this format): Family name, First name and Section.  Each item is worth 2 points.  You don't need to research for your answers.  Prior knowledge is enough.

1.  What is morality?
2.  What is Christian morality?
3.  Is being a Christian a requirement for a person to live a 'moral' life?
4.  Give at least 3 factors (ex:family upbringing, etc) that may strongly influence or trigger for a person to live a moral life? Explain briefly.
5.  What can you say about the 3 dimensions of faith: Doctrine, Moral and Worship?
6.  What do you mean by responsible freedom?  Give one brief concrete example.
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
Christian Living Unit
Course Outline (Tentative)
Third Year AY 2015-2016

First Term: The Basics of Catholic Christian Morality

I. Introduction: The 3 Dimensions of Faith
            1. Doctrine
            2. Moral
            3. Worship

II. What is Morality?  Introduction to Christian Morality
            1. “What Should I Do?”
            2. Keeping the Commandments
            3. Following Christ

III. Who am I? Man – the Image of God
            1. Celebrating our Human Dignity
            2. Jesus Christ Reveals to Us the Fullness of Our Dignity
            3. Who is my Neighbor?

IV. Freedom and Responsibility
            1. What is Freedom?
            2. Freedom in the Old and New Testament
            3. Growing in Freedom

Second Term: The Morality of Human Acts

I. Exercising Christian Conscience
            1. What is Human Conscience?
            2. What Conscience is Not
            3. Conscience Morally Obliges
                        3.1 Subjective Dimension
                        3.2 Objective Dimension
            4. Formation of Conscience
                        4.1 Following Your Conscience
                        4.2 Forming a Christian Conscience
                        4.3 Mature Christian Conscience

II. Contemporary Moral Issues
            1.  Celebrating Life and Health – “the 5th Commandment”
                        1.1 “The Morality of Abortion” – When Does Human Life Begin?
                        1.2 “The Morality of Euthanasia” – How Should a Christian Face Death?
                        1.3 “The Issue on Cloning and Stem Cell Technology” – What is the Stand of the
                                                                                          Catholic Church?

Third Term: Contemporary Moral Issues

I. Integrating Oneself
            1. “Human Sexuality: A Gift”
                        1.1 The Virtue of Chastity
                        1.2 Obstacles to Growing in Chastity
                                    1.2.1 Is Homosexuality OK?
                                    1.2.2 Pornography and Prostitution
                                    1.2.3 Premarital Sex
                                    1.2.4 Artificial Contraception/Birth Control
            2. Respecting Truth
                        2.1 Levels of Truth
                        2.2 Obstacles to Respecting Truth

Major Sources:

Catechism for Filipino Catholics Manila: Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic
Education of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines and Word & Life Publications, 2004.

Catechism of the Catholic Church Manila: Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic
Education of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines and Word & Life Publications, 1994.

Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom, Sibs Publishing House Inc., 2012.

Maturing in Christian Faith, the National Catechetical Directory of the Philippines. Manila ECERI

Peschke, Karl H. SVD. Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II. Volume 1:
General Moral Theology. Mania: Divine Word Publications, 1996.

Basic Requirements per term:

1. Ebook: Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom
2. 5 Gospel Reflections
3. Formative and Summative Assessments
4. Performance Task
5. Bible
6. Optional: Lecture Notebook and Rosary

Prepared by: Mr. Cloyd Uyson and Ms. Christine Venerayan
Third Year- Christian Living Teacher

Approved by:

Sir Allan Apdua
HS Christian Living Coordinator

De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
Christian Living Unit
Course Outline (Tentative)
Third Year AY 2015-2016

First Term: The Basics of Catholic Christian Morality

I. Introduction: The 3 Dimensions of Faith
            1. Doctrine
            2. Moral
            3. Worship

II. What is Morality?  Introduction to Christian Morality
            1. “What Should I Do?”
            2. Keeping the Commandments
            3. Following Christ

III. Who am I? Man – the Image of God
            1. Celebrating our Human Dignity
            2. Jesus Christ Reveals to Us the Fullness of Our Dignity
            3. Who is my Neighbor?

IV. Freedom and Responsibility
            1. What is Freedom?
            2. Freedom in the Old and New Testament
            3. Growing in Freedom

Second Term: The Morality of Human Acts

I. Exercising Christian Conscience
            1. What is Human Conscience?
            2. What Conscience is Not
            3. Conscience Morally Obliges
                        3.1 Subjective Dimension
                        3.2 Objective Dimension
            4. Formation of Conscience
                        4.1 Following Your Conscience
                        4.2 Forming a Christian Conscience
                        4.3 Mature Christian Conscience

II. Contemporary Moral Issues
            1.  Celebrating Life and Health – “the 5th Commandment”
                        1.1 “The Morality of Abortion” – When Does Human Life Begin?
                        1.2 “The Morality of Euthanasia” – How Should a Christian Face Death?
                        1.3 “The Issue on Cloning and Stem Cell Technology” – What is the Stand of the
                                                                                          Catholic Church?

Third Term: Contemporary Moral Issues

I. Integrating Oneself
            1. “Human Sexuality: A Gift”
                        1.1 The Virtue of Chastity
                        1.2 Obstacles to Growing in Chastity
                                    1.2.1 Is Homosexuality OK?
                                    1.2.2 Pornography and Prostitution
                                    1.2.3 Premarital Sex
                                    1.2.4 Artificial Contraception/Birth Control
            2. Respecting Truth
                        2.1 Levels of Truth
                        2.2 Obstacles to Respecting Truth

Major Sources:

Catechism for Filipino Catholics Manila: Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic
Education of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines and Word & Life Publications, 2004.

Catechism of the Catholic Church Manila: Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic
Education of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines and Word & Life Publications, 1994.

Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom, Sibs Publishing House Inc., 2012.

Maturing in Christian Faith, the National Catechetical Directory of the Philippines. Manila ECERI

Peschke, Karl H. SVD. Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II. Volume 1:
General Moral Theology. Mania: Divine Word Publications, 1996.

Basic Requirements per term:

1. Ebook: Called to Follow Christ in True Freedom
2. 5 Gospel Reflections
3. Formative and Summative Assessments
4. Performance Task
5. Bible
6. Optional: Lecture Notebook and Rosary

Prepared by: Mr. Cloyd Uyson and Ms. Christine Venerayan
Third Year- Christian Living Teacher

Approved by:

Sir Allan Apdua
HS Christian Living Coordinator